the red chord?

Im sorry, but i really dont think The Red Chord is metal-core just because they are popular, you all label them metal-core? Theres nothing "core" about them, they are basically just like a sorta grindish death metal. They just arent as heavy as others.

The Red Chord are definitely metalcore. There are plenty of hardcore elements in their sound.

Got the new album, liking it muchly.
I hate all the sub-labels. Cant everything just be fucking metal? Fuck. And yeah Prey For Eyes is excellent.
No, morons are snobs like you that have nothing better to do then make music so complicated and fucked up. FUCK LABELS.

If you hate labels so much then why don't you stop talking? I mean seeing as how words are simply labels for our thoughts and observations you should hate talking.
I hate all the sub-labels. Cant everything just be fucking metal? Fuck. And yeah Prey For Eyes is excellent.

You were the one who started the argument. People disagree with you and now all of a sudden you "hate all the sub-labels". Weak.
If you hate labels so much then why don't you stop talking? I mean seeing as how words are simply labels for our thoughts and observations you should hate talking.

Word. It's all a matter of degree.

There's nothing at all wrong with labels, as long as people remember they're inexact, and they're not an end in themselves.
have you guys heard of them? well they are pretty sweet grinding death metal.... im goin to see them live tonight... i sawl a video about em and it looked like they had alot of energy like alot of noise metal bands...

There nothing like a noise metal band.

Out of all the new metalcore bands out there. The Red Chord is the best one. There decent but nothing amazing.