The Redskins lost. John Kerry will now win the election!!

Im a pretty conservative business owner and am voting for Kerry. The Republican Party on my state invokes GOD whenever they can. I've been getting calls all week. "Vote for me cause GOD says you should". Im a god fearing headbanger myself and I hate politicians using GOD to promote themselves. So more as an nonconformist I will vote Democratic in this one.
J1NX said:
Let's hope TD's right. As many of the recent posts here illustrate, the USA has the best propaganda system in the world, bar none. It's shocking and depressing to hear the reasons that prospective voters give for supporting the incumbent. I've yet to hear a single reason that isn't (at least one of) selfish, callous, or completely divorced from reality. Anyone who can offer me a ray of hope by providing just one counter-example wins an SUV, a gun, and a full-term foetus. Ho ho. To the vast majority of us outside the USA, it's crystal clear that the Bush regime is catastrophic for Americans and non-Americans alike. Please fire this man. Some people think non-Americans should express no opinion on American politics (mostly the same people who think it's okay for non-Iraqis to determine Iraqi politics), but others (like me) think people should have a say in decisions in proportion as they're affected by them. And sadly, we'll all be affected by this one. Here's to the great Americans who will not be selfish, callous, or ignorant tomorrow.

Finally some logic. Something I don't hear from the right wing. I just hear "God" from them. God doesn't endorse candidates though.
seriously, I hope it ends in a tie, like last years MLB all-star game. But if they do end in a tie, I think they should both have to share the Presidential duties and have cameras following them around and make a reality show about it. Think about it, reality tv blows, and so does politics, but if you put them together, you may get mediocrity, and America loves mediocrity. Just ask any Avril Lavigne or Justin Timberlake fan. Honestly though, next time they need better candidates. I wouldn't hire either one of them to clean my kitchen.
been watching an update on the election,sounds like they got a tonne of problems,voting machines going blank,vandalism to vans that were going to escorts voters,legal problems all over the jointand people waiting 2 hours to vote,usually america do things bigger and better than anyone else but it looks like a damn joke to me.

bush is leading 30 to 3 when i last saw an update.
i think ther are usually quirks and what not but i think its just now coming to light with this election becaouse of what went down in 2000. its not that frickin hard. i got to my site at 6:30 this morning and was on my way at 6:45. go in sign your name, punch the card vote for GW and no to anything that will raise my taxes and them off to work...
Cincy Vigilante said:
i think ther are usually quirks and what not but i think its just now coming to light with this election becaouse of what went down in 2000. its not that frickin hard. i got to my site at 6:30 this morning and was on my way at 6:45. go in sign your name, punch the card vote for GW and no to anything that will raise my taxes and them off to work...

Further proof that Republicans are selfish assholes. I voted YES for a few tax levies. One to for a local vocational school. Without the students would suffer, with less materials and teachers, and the teachers would suffer lay offs. Same vote on a local MRDD center. I have broad enough shoulders to help out those in need by opening my wallet a little. That's what seperates the Democrats and the Republicans. The Right is me, me, me. The Left likes to take resources and help others out. Fucking tightwads.
No, the lefties want to government to take care of them from cradel to grave and have someone else pay for it. I personaly want to work for what I get and not be spoonfed or sponge off the government. Republicans are not tightwads, it's just not right to force those who have worked hard to get ahead in life to pay for the slackers.

I usually vote for renewal levies for good causes or needed services, but our school district has a levy on the ballot and I voted against it. They threatend to cut all "extra" corricular activities, sports, and scared the people into voting for it. We already have the highest school taxes in the state from what I hear and they still want more. I say cut cost at the top not from the kids. Administrative cost is the problem and I'm not taliking the teachers but those above the teachers. They did basicly the same scare tactics and stuff to get a new middle school built. I see them asking for more money in a year or so do the fact that they said if this levy didn't pass they would have to ask for 3 more mills than they are asking this this year It seems funny to me that if this passes, they will somhow not need the extra 3 mill.
Well Im a total asshat.

Didnt get registerred to vote in time in my new district. To get out of jury duty in my registerred district I had to do a change of address and am no longer registerred in that district, I moved and bought a house 60 miles from there.

I am a total hypocrite a really low feeling.

Hopefully I can count on Alaskans to be more responsable than I. If the Dems win I will not start pissing and moaning till they give me a reason to by their actions.
TD said:
Further proof that Republicans are selfish assholes. I voted YES for a few tax levies. One to for a local vocational school. Without the students would suffer, with less materials and teachers, and the teachers would suffer lay offs. Same vote on a local MRDD center. I have broad enough shoulders to help out those in need by opening my wallet a little. That's what seperates the Democrats and the Republicans. The Right is me, me, me. The Left likes to take resources and help others out. Fucking tightwads.
You really think it's only the Republicans who vote down school levies? Sure the right generally wants to keep taxes to a minimum but most of them care about education and want their kids to have the best education possible and will vote in favor of them if they think it will help. Think of the poor wellfare addicted democrats (who don't pay any taxes anyway) that will vote them down simply because they don't want to pay for anything with their money.
Ah, tis a great day to be an American. Not only did we win the Whitehouse but have an extremely strong grasp on congress too. I'm so glad the normal, level headed Americans voted with their head instead of listening to jaded celebrities who have no grasp on reality.
The only bad thing about this is having to listen to the Democrats bitch and moan for 4 more years but I have to admit I get a kick out of those crazy loons. They're pretty much harmless anyway.
Don't get me wrong I do have a few issues with Bush but Kerry was just a complete fucking joke. I'm actually amazed it was as close as it was.
It's so sad that so many Americans are so afraid. And for protection they turn to the very guy who got them all spooked. It reminds me of the old mafia protection rackets. "Say, this is a real nice place you got here. It'd be real shame if anything happened to it, wouldn't it? Tell ya what, if you VOTE FOR ME, I'll keep an eye on it for ya. Make sure it doesn't get TERRORIZED. We wouldn't want that now, would we? Heh heh heh". C'mon, guys. There's no monster under the bed. There's no way this is "a great day to be an American", or to be anyone else, for that matter. It's only a great day if you don't understand what's going on.

BOO! Made you jump.
Actually, it's kind of interesting to see the parallels between this election and the UK elections in '92. In both cases, exit polls clearly showed that the incumbent was going to be booted out (that was Thatcher in the UK case), but then when the votes were actually counted, the incumbent won by quite a margin. The sample size was big, so what's going on? It turned out that many people who voted for the incumbent were so ashamed of what they'd done that they lied to the pollsters, thus skewing the predictions wildly. I guess the same thing happened here. People know when they're doing wrong.

Still, you never know - there's still a chance they'll count all the votes before declaring a winner this time!