The Redskins lost. John Kerry will now win the election!!

Actually, knowitalls, terrorism and fear or terrorism ranks somewhere around 4th or 5th in reasons people voted this year.
J1NX said:
It's so sad that so many Americans are so afraid. And for protection they turn to the very guy who got them all spooked. It reminds me of the old mafia protection rackets. "Say, this is a real nice place you got here. It'd be real shame if anything happened to it, wouldn't it? Tell ya what, if you VOTE FOR ME, I'll keep an eye on it for ya. Make sure it doesn't get TERRORIZED. We wouldn't want that now, would we? Heh heh heh". C'mon, guys. There's no monster under the bed. There's no way this is "a great day to be an American", or to be anyone else, for that matter. It's only a great day if you don't understand what's going on.

BOO! Made you jump.
It's not that so many feel afraid, it's that they feel safe in knowing under Bush we havn't had a single attack since 9/11. The only thing they're afraid of is having a guy like Kerry as our Commander in Chief who doesn't have a firm grasp on the seriousness of the situation.
But the entire campaign seemed to revolve around 9/11 and its aftermath. About 3000 Americans were killed in that WTC attack. But about 10,000 Americans kill each other *every year* with handguns. About 700,000 Americans die annually from heart disease. People should be 200 times less worried about terrorism than about hamburgers.

Even putting that aside, don't people see Bush as stirring up a hornet's nest? I mean, people are still rightly sore about 9/11, to put it mildly. Imagine how many more people are rightly sore about Bush's reponse to it. That's not the kind of thing that gets forgotten in a year or two. Not by the victims, anyway. A serious situation indeed. I'm not meaning to be antagonistic - I'm just genuinely interested in the way the vote went because from the outside it seems to unbelievable (and tragic for you and me alike) that Bush should get re-elected.
Karina_666 said:
seriously, I hope it ends in a tie, like last years MLB all-star game. But if they do end in a tie, I think they should both have to share the Presidential duties and have cameras following them around and make a reality show about it. Think about it, reality tv blows, and so does politics, but if you put them together, you may get mediocrity, and America loves mediocrity. Just ask any Avril Lavigne or Justin Timberlake fan. Honestly though, next time they need better candidates. I wouldn't hire either one of them to clean my kitchen.
Karina - I like the idea but do you think there's enough room for 2 giant dumbasses in one house?
Kerry "gave in"? As opposed to what? Ignoring the ballot?! C'mon, he didn't give in, he just plain old lost.
J1NX said:
Actually, it's kind of interesting to see the parallels between this election and the UK elections in '92. In both cases, exit polls clearly showed that the incumbent was going to be booted out (that was Thatcher in the UK case), but then when the votes were actually counted, the incumbent won by quite a margin. The sample size was big, so what's going on? It turned out that many people who voted for the incumbent were so ashamed of what they'd done that they lied to the pollsters, thus skewing the predictions wildly. I guess the same thing happened here. People know when they're doing wrong.

Still, you never know - there's still a chance they'll count all the votes before declaring a winner this time!
I don't know what polls you were looking at but nearly all the ones I've seen in the past month had Bush on top.
She's talking about the exit polls. Exit polls all over the nation had Kerry winning in nearly every district in every state, and by large margins. Give it a quick look through google news and you'll see it. Apparently the pollsters were just making the shit up as they went along and it was getting reported on CNN and other news channels.
Yeah, they did. I was refering specifically to the exit polls based on people catching voters as they leave the voting booth and asking them how they voted. Last-minute predictions are most often based on these figures because they're the most reliable indicators of actual voting behaviour (as opposed to voting intention) UNLESS voters that went in one particular direction are embarrassed to admit it. Seems like that was the case yesterday, as in the UK in '92, because the exit polls were putting Kerry ahead by 4-7% in the key states. That seemed consistent with high turn out, which usually favours the democrats. Interesting stuff.
TD said:
Further proof that Republicans are selfish assholes. I voted YES for a few tax levies. One to for a local vocational school. Without the students would suffer, with less materials and teachers, and the teachers would suffer lay offs. Same vote on a local MRDD center. I have broad enough shoulders to help out those in need by opening my wallet a little. That's what seperates the Democrats and the Republicans. The Right is me, me, me. The Left likes to take resources and help others out. Fucking tightwads.
Ty, you are such a sanctimonious, self righteous prick. I have voted for so many school levies. I use to never vote down a tax levie for schools. However each year or so it would be a 1% or .5% or what ever it would equal 200-300 hundred bucks a year per house hold. Well if you let them they will nickle and dime you to death. I have FOUR JOBS, TWO KIDS, a morgage and car payments. So dont judge me you bed wettin dick. the Left likes to take my and others hard earned money and redistribute it to broke dicks who are to fucking sorry to get off their asses and pull the selves up by the boot straps. So you Michael Moore, Jon Bi Jovi,P-Diddy "the Boss" Melon-head, Dixie clits, Sean Penn, Tim Robbins, Susan Sarandon, Alec Baldwine, Al not so Sharpton, and TOM DASCHEL (he-he-he) can all go jump in the lake or cry in your double mocha, decaff, granola frappa, lite foam starbucks.
I thinks its great how hard all the liberal hollywood "elite" worked just to loose worse than last time. So start no and maybe you and all your commie pinko, bed wettin friends can get Shrill-ery Clinton in the white house in 08 :wave:
cain't we all just get along?

TY,TY, TY its hard to believe this is the same little boy i was talking to in 95. i thought u would never grow up, now look atcha: causing all kinds of political dissent on an Anthrax board. back in then it was booze, masturbation and anthrax.

who knew?

what happened? get a wild hair up your ass? or just getting on the kerry bandwagon? doesn't matter. all "over done with gone." amazing what can happen in 10 years (more or less). i guess we have to grow up sometime.

DAMMIT. it sucks, but i'm not trying to flip u over and do u dry here.....all i know is i sent u that 69 t-shirt that charlie always wore and i never heard from u after that. not buying your friendship, but trying to make a diehard fellow thrax fan happy. but i am not bitter.
I was actually willing to give shit-fgor-brains a chance and it took less than a day for me to say FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!

The claim that you have a mandate when you onl won by a couple percentage points is ridiculous. Half the country still thinks you are a stupid Fuck-HEAD!!

I keep on hearing how Bush got more votes than any President in history. THis is coming from your so-called "liberal" media. Guess what, John Kerry had more votes than any other President in history ALSO!!!!!!! I can play this game too. Do you know Bush's mnargin of victory was the lowest for an incumbent getting a second term since 1916!???

Well, anyways, I am VERY HAPPY that the Damned commercials are over with!!!! What's so pathetic is that I will bet you that millions of people voted this year based on what they said in commercials. How sad for us.

At least we here agree on one thing: Anthrax kicks ASS!!:rock: