The Redskins lost. John Kerry will now win the election!!

As far as the reason the Redskins winning didn't work: Boston won the world series, so all sports traditions are null and void.
coolsnow7 said:
As far as the reason the Redskins winning didn't work: Boston won the world series, so all sports traditions are null and void.
Very true right there.

As for the voting.
What happened was that people decided to vote morally. They wanted to vote for someone they knew took a stand. Whether you agree with that stand or not, you knew where he came from, you knew he would take a stand. Now, the polls themselves will show you something. Oregon, very liberal state (I know, I live here), voted for the measure to limit marriage to a man and a woman. But, Kerry carried Oregon. So morals did play a part. Imagine the voting for a state that can go either way (Ohio/Florida). All sorts of people will come out and vote for the candidate that took a stand with what they believed, that didn't change his views. That is why Bush won.

And, just cause I know it'd come up, I believe marriage should be between one man and one woman, BUT!!!!
Marriage should be under Civil Union. Take the requirements to get married (minus the one man and one woman), and apply those requirements to "preferred companion" so that man and man (or woman and woman) can have a Civil Union and receive the EXACT same benefits (and hindrances in some instances), that Marriage does. This will keep most people happy. The religious won't feel that marriage is in jeopardy, and homosexuals can have the same benefits.