The Redskins lost. John Kerry will now win the election!!

This election is a win/win situation.
If Bush wins, then we'll have a non-flip-flopping president who is on offense against terrorism.
If Kerry wins, Hillary Klingon won't be able to run next time around!
So, whoever wins, it's a good deal.

I just can't wait until I don't have to see those FUCKING political commercials any more.
Ragamuffin said:
Also, the sky is blue because it reflects the ocean.
The ocean is blue because it reflects the sky.
I see.
Oh, and thanks again for the HK-47 tip. I finally beat KOTOR a few days ago.:cool:
ThraxDude said:
This election is a win/win situation.
If Bush wins, then we'll have a non-flip-flopping president who is on offense against terrorism.
If Kerry wins, Hillary Klingon won't be able to run next time around!
So, whoever wins, it's a good deal.

I just can't wait until I don't have to see those FUCKING political commercials any more.
Bush only got into the Ivy Leagues because of daddy.
Bushy dodged the draft.
Bushy has the worst environmental record EVER.
Bushy is outsourcing more and more jobs everyday.
Bushy's war with Iraq is only making the world more dangerous, and making is less safe, because now everyone hates us, thanks to his smugg ass.
The same can be said for most people who got in then passed through the ivy leagues
Not really
That's blown waaaaay out of proportion
Bush isn't outsourcing a damn thing
Everyone already hated us, now they just have a reason, sometimes a pre emptive strike is what has to be done to push the enemy back before they can mobilize and attack. I'm not saying Iraq was going to attack us, but it's known and has been proven that Saddam and Al Qaeda had ties (just not 9-11 ties) and taking out one of their supporters weakened them and made other supporters question if they really want to align themselves with them. How long did it take Lybia to throw up it's hands and say 'Uh...nevermind on the whole weapons we have thing'?

I'm exhausted
Ragamuffin said:
The same can be said for most people who got in then passed through the ivy leagues
Not really
That's blown waaaaay out of proportion
Bush isn't outsourcing a damn thing
Everyone already hated us, now they just have a reason, sometimes a pre emptive strike is what has to be done to push the enemy back before they can mobilize and attack. I'm not saying Iraq was going to attack us, but it's known and has been proven that Saddam and Al Qaeda had ties (just not 9-11 ties) and taking out one of their supporters weakened them and made other supporters question if they really want to align themselves with them. How long did it take Lybia to throw up it's hands and say 'Uh...nevermind on the whole weapons we have thing'?

I'm exhausted

Name me one good thing Dubya has done for the environment. Just one.
I saw him pick up some litter once. And I hear he lives by the motto 'if it's brown, flush it down, if it's yellow, let it mellow'

But in all honesty, I don't know or care. I could look, but I'm tired and the Aqua Teens have about...87% of my attention right now.
Ragamuffin said:
I saw him pick up some litter once. And I hear he lives by the motto 'if it's brown, flush it down, if it's yellow, let it mellow'

But in all honesty, I don't know or care. I could look, but I'm tired and the Aqua Teens have about...87% of my attention right now.

Call me a hippie, but to me, the environment is one of the most important things for a president to look after. Bushy hasn't. He says "God has a plan for the environment." Which is the blanket statement for anything Republicans can't answer "God has a plan for *enter 90% of the issues*"
Still think Bush will win and I dont' think it'll be nearly as close as a lot of people are predicting. TD, it's obvious you listen to too much liberal radio.
Let's hope TD's right. As many of the recent posts here illustrate, the USA has the best propaganda system in the world, bar none. It's shocking and depressing to hear the reasons that prospective voters give for supporting the incumbent. I've yet to hear a single reason that isn't (at least one of) selfish, callous, or completely divorced from reality. Anyone who can offer me a ray of hope by providing just one counter-example wins an SUV, a gun, and a full-term foetus. Ho ho. To the vast majority of us outside the USA, it's crystal clear that the Bush regime is catastrophic for Americans and non-Americans alike. Please fire this man. Some people think non-Americans should express no opinion on American politics (mostly the same people who think it's okay for non-Iraqis to determine Iraqi politics), but others (like me) think people should have a say in decisions in proportion as they're affected by them. And sadly, we'll all be affected by this one. Here's to the great Americans who will not be selfish, callous, or ignorant tomorrow.
Fuck, I am so sick of politics that I dont really even want to reply to all of this BS. i think we all know where we stand and who we are voting for I really dont think some crap on a message board will change anyones opinion. "Well I was gonna go with W but since so and so on the Anthrax board said he killed baby seals, I'm gonna go with Kerry"...
not going to happen.