The Return of Shreddi!

Hi Shreddi. I been contemplating a Mk IV. Brand spankers they start at just over 5k Aussie so it's a bit pricey and probably not that practical for my low volume needs. For what it's worth I've tried a Laney VC50. Nice solid tone but the one amp that really impresses me is the Tech 21 Trademark series. Im on the lookout for a Trademark 120 2x12" but most music stores only go as big as the 60w 1x12" :(

Yeah. a strat was my dream for 12 years. I realised it last year with an american deluxe model but damn the Japanese ones are gorgeous. Thats my next plan.
Pharoah said:
Very nice, but IMO overpriced.
What? the VH100R overpriced? Not in Australia. Mesa's are rediculously expensive here tho.
The mesa mark Iv is around $5000
The Trixis is about $4500 (and then you need a power amp too)
The Line 6 HD147 is $3800 (then add $1000 for the Footswitch)
but the Laney is $2500, but I can get it for $2000...and it absolutely kills every other amp in its price range...its even beats alot of amps twice its price. Don't forget I scored a 70's Silverface Twin Reverb from a mate of dads, so I think i might A/B both amps through the Twins new Eminance speakers. I wonder how the emenance's sound with distortion.
Mabey Laneys are overpriced in America, I dunno.

What other amps do you guys recomend?
Mr. Shred-ididle said:
What? the VH100R overpriced? Not in Australia.
Mabey Laneys are overpriced in America, I dunno.
OK, it's probably because they are a British amp, so they are not overpriced down there. They mfg a fine amp, I'm sure you would be thrilled with one if you owned one. Do you have the space where you can push the volume? They are powerful amps, really show their true colors when pushed. I've played thru Laneys.

Have you talked with Chris? He could help you immensely.
Woah How many axes you got?
8 at the moment and a 9th in the pipeline :P 3 of em are what I would consider 'quality' the rest are pretty ordinary but I love all my babies :)

How much did Dungeon kick ass there?
Haha! I dunno if your taking the piss out of them or what but i thought they were awesome. I remember seeing them years ago at a Malmsteen gig and they sound much better now I reckon.
Julz said:
I remember seeing them years ago at a Malmsteen gig and they sound much better now I reckon.
Yeah but the mix was ass on the YM show and the band didn't get to soundcheck or anything. Soundcheck was like "so you guys plugged in?" ;)
My friend Mark was singing for Yngwie at that time, and the singer in my melodic rock band played keys for Dungeon at that show, and I myself once spoke to Tim about joining Dungeon about 10 years ago so it's a funny little circle sometimes. :)
Yeah, that'd be right. To tell you the truth I didn't really notice as I reckon that concrete box of a place (Selina's) has the worst acoustics of any place I've been. I thought the sound in general was pretty ordinary but I still thought Dungeon were cool. All the older guys here at Enmore still talk about the '20 Marshall stacks' Yngwie had on stage when he was here in 92. I like Mark Boals, but I always thought Jeff Scot Soto was the man. :rock: