The Return Of The Adventures of Codi And Gonzo

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I don't give a fuck. :) That's fake. It's a forgery.

*comes out of retirement for a brief second*

Dude, don't even try saying you didn't give a fuck. If you truely didn't care, you wouldn't argueing or complaing about him, and you wouldn't keep coming back to this thread to see what his reponce was to whatever the fuck you said.

There is an IGNORE setting, you can ignore anyone here.

somebody needs to sigg this.

I wouldnt mind seeing this photo on a day to day basis.
wow, this thread has already 5 pages XD
I won't read it all but I have an idea of what it is anyway lol
I prefered this cartoon than the 3 others haha next time if you put me in, justtell me in advance, so maybe i could register my own voice XD
:lol: If you think this bothers me it doesn't it's funny to me. I was "pwning" you Codi and you didn't have shit to say until Deron ran in an abused his powers for you. *That picture is a shitty photoshop anyways, and lame :lol:)

It's actually sad, cuz as much as you already suck at life, you suck worse due to the fact that you need to get protected by Deron :lol:
OMG I lost the internet, whatever shall I do :lol: oh wait I'll just lay with my g/f and watch a movie, enjoy being fat and alone Codi. :erk:

Find some new pornsites or something, loser.
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