The Return Of The Adventures of Codi And Gonzo

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to the battle, we ride
we crossed a star lit sky
no space, no time
we'll catch the wind

Needs moar ensiferum

Into battle we ride with Gods by our side
We are strong and not afraid to die
We have an urge to kill and our lust for blood has to be fulfilled
WE'LL FIGHT TILL THE END! And send our enemies straight to Hell!
Fine then, since cartoon things with disclaimers is tolerated by Deron, how's this:


The character personality depicted in this cartoon picture is in no way related to the personality of the person it depicts.. I say to this person, do not get offended by what you are about to view for it is 100% fabrication and means no offense to you personally.


This is becoming gayer than an Irish Catholic priest in a San Franciscan man brothel.
:rolleyes: Anyways, I'd like to know how Deron justifies this action, he bends the rules or you and no one else... :erk:

Because I knew it was a gag you moron. Whereas the other drug threads that has gotten people in trouble (including Codi) were talking about real life usage and what was best, tell your adventures etc. This cartoon is no different than say, watching a Cheech and Chong movie. There's a thing called common sense that you should study up on.

You know, I don't usually do this kind of thing, I think I've done this once before since I have been running this site actually (a few years now), but you have drawn me to a place I rarely go, so bask in it palsy walsy:

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