The Return Of The Adventures of Codi And Gonzo

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Because I knew it was a gag you moron. Whereas the other drug threads that has gotten people in trouble (including Codi) were talking about real life usage and what was best, tell your adventures etc. This cartoon is no different than say, watching a Cheech and Chong movie. There's a thing called common sense that you should study up on.

You know, I don't usually do this kind of thing, I think I've done this once before since I have been running this site actually (a few years now), but you have drawn me to a place I rarely go, so bask in it palsy walsy:


Game Over.

MetalAges Win. Flawless Victory.
:lol: You're real cool Deron, we all can see your affair with Codi. What a pact... This isn't just one thing, everything Codi does against the rules, he is excused for, and anything anyone says against him, you delete it and then warn the person that they'll be banned. Why do you protect him that much?

(ie/ When i sent you this you did nothing:




The reason I ignored any chat transcripts, etc. you sent me is, the FACT (notice "fact" in bold and caps) that you falsified, forged, faked (insert your favorite con word here ____ ) previous chat logs and documents to get Codi in trouble prior to this (to which even when you were busted, you denied it over and over again).

I don't believe a word that comes out of your mouth at this point to be quite honest, sorry. I think you have issues and you really should take a long look at yourself and get some help, and that's no joking dude.
Still he did nothing. And when you go around the forum swearing at people for nothing and boasting about being so stoned, he does nothing, (even if he does warn you it's not publicly as opposed to the public warnings he gives everyone else) nor does he delete your rule breaking posts. But god forbid someone say something against you or post an insult against you it's magically gone.
Ok, whatever Deron, there's no way to fake that, and I even sent it to you IMEDIATELY after it happened so if you'd bother to check the times you'd know there is no way I could have falsified it in 5 minutes. Also I suck dick at photoshop, I'm famous for that fact around here so whatever there is no jsutifying your inaction, (sorry you did do something you freaked on me). In addition, I owned up to the lie (whichw as a TEXT based forgery, not image) and I thought everything was fine between us. I gave you my word and I kept it. I didn't do fuck all to Codi or anything to deserve his random attack on me/my girlfriend. He was trying to provoke me. After you sat idly by on this and other things, I jsut decided it wasn't fair.
I owned up to the lie

Only after an Internet version of a verbal Dark Ages inquisition style torture session.

Anyways, if anyone has a problem with anything Codi says that breaks the rules they can use the report button. All I have gotten recently was something from Mega and it wasn't all that as far as what he reported. I don't troll every thread on here looking for troublemakers, usually they are referred to me in one way or another.
:lol: You're real cool Deron, we all can see your affair with Codi. What a pact... This isn't just one thing, everything Codi does against the rules, he is excused for, and anything anyone says against him, you delete it and then warn the person that they'll be banned. Why do you protect him that much?

why did you edit the convo? like it doesnt even sound like me anymore... :lol: where is the whole thing?
Still, we talked and to my understanding you and I were fine. To MY KNOWLEDGE I thought things were resolved and that the whole Codi thing was a non-issue. And it was, was it not? Until he had Blondie message that to me. ANd I didn't fake it. Besides, that wasn;t your claim you said kayos said i told her to be mean to codi which I fucking didnt and she clarified that. SOwtf...

Dude I had respect for you forhelping me out, I really don't know what the fuck you're doing. But whatever, I get the picture.
To clarify: I have no problem with you. I just think from the posts I've read from you lately that you are grasping for attention like nobody's business. It's a bit sad. Everything has to be about you when you're posting in a thread, and if it isn't, somehow the thread becomes about you in the end quite a lot.

But again, I have no personal issues with you.
To clarify: I have no problem with you. I just think from the posts I've read from you lately that you are grasping for attention like nobody's business. It's a bit sad. Everything has to be about you when you're posting in a thread, and if it isn't, somehow the thread becomes about you in the end quite a lot.

But again, I have no personal issues with you.

COme on MSN for a bief moment if you have the time I have a quick matter I wish to speak to you about.
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