The Return Of The Adventures of Codi And Gonzo

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Disclaimer for personal attacks, not nudity and drug use, :rolleyes:

Cartoon nudity and Real Nudity is different. Deron cant get in trouble for cartoon nudity. and the whole cartoon wasnt centered around drug use. the rules only prohibited drug oriented threads where this one there was no mention or conversating on the use of drugs until you started talking about it.
Cartoon nudity and Real Nudity is different. Deron cant get in trouble for cartoon nudity. and the whole cartoon wasnt centered around drug use. the rules only prohibited drug oriented threads where this one there was no mention or conversating on the use of drugs until you started talking about it.
Ok, a child on the forum, is still seeing the same thing, cartoon or not. And yeh the main theme or the cartoon is like a 6th rate unfunny shitty cheech and chong. But whatever, I just raised a good question, rules apply to everyone but you. So congrats :)
Fine then, since cartoon things with disclaimers is tolerated by Deron, how's this:


The character personality depicted in this cartoon picture is in no way related to the personality of the person it depicts.. I say to this person, do not get offended by what you are about to view for it is 100% fabrication and means no offense to you personally.

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