The Return Of The Adventures of Codi And Gonzo

Not open for further replies. almost every thread here...starts with Heartless posting smt then Rider smt...then the flame...

Btw i liked the cartoon....
yeah, but, if she posts them here, i wouldnt know that she posted them, and i would accidentally look, therefore i would see them and flame her. LOL. if she was to make her own little thread with them, and a huge ass warning sign, that'd be cool....but...yeah.
Codi, I could guarantee you that if you had my picture you'd put me next to Black Core making love to him:erk: At least we have respect for other people and appreciate their own choices, I totally agree satanism does have its common ground with coming out of the closet:lol: but you didn't imply that throughout the cross dressing joke.. If anybody else here did something like that we'd get banned- which is kind of corrupt.
Im in a bad mood because your immature, incessant and boring arguments with Codi are no longer entertaining. Also you've ran out of jokes, so now your arguments are just filled with childish crap.
Nobody can beat Codi in an arguement, because he refuses to accept his loss, and he just continues to further in creating pointless excuses to feed the conflict. Oh great, muslims are pelleting my window. Please commence reverse 9/11?
yeah, but, if she posts them here, i wouldnt know that she posted them, and i would accidentally look, therefore i would see them and flame her. LOL. if she was to make her own little thread with them, and a huge ass warning sign, that'd be cool....but...yeah.

No worries, although I'd like to see you and your wife naked, the only naked pics I will be sending is through MSN. ;) I would not post them here. :D
back on topic, this particular cap made me laugh:

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