The Revenge Of The Storms!!!


storm chaser
Jan 2, 2003
in the "supercell" cloud
Hey guys,

and finally I got another fantastic night from weather. Actually I haven't seen so many lightnings until now. The sky was flashing like crazy...and so did I with my digicam of course...:loco:

You can check photos here:

on the left menu click on the link "Latest photos" and you will see those lightnings I took last night.

Was almost killed though, around 300m near me one tree was striked :D

here are some pics for preview:

Thanks and take care :kickass:
the 3rd one is so amazing it looks fake :headbang:

hey man, question: how do you get to shoot the exact moment where the lightining is in it's full form?
i mean, you just keep taking pictures or you have some kind of camera adjustment to shoot when it gets X lux in the diafragm?
Tut Ankh Amon said:
the 3rd one is so amazing it looks fake :headbang:

hey man, question: how do you get to shoot the exact moment where the lightining is in it's full form?
i mean, you just keep taking pictures or you have some kind of camera adjustment to shoot when it gets X lux in the diafragm?
I have professional camera which has a function that I can choose the right time of exposure, so I have more chances to shot in the right moment. You meant a 'light sensor' or smth like that, that is possible to have but its silly thing.
the other thing is almost 10 years of experiences with lightning photography and of course a good luck with huge storm and also you must know weather issues. With all this I can get the right position for shots and the right time.

The last pic like you said...looks almost fake, because it was so many lightning strikes per minute, that I got few of them on the same pic. This was unusual storm for our country, called "supercell".

†_Aragorth_† said:
I have professional camera which has a function that I can choose the right time of exposure, so I have more chances to shot in the right moment. You meant a 'light sensor' or smth like that, that is possible to have but its silly thing.
the other thing is almost 10 years of experiences with lightning photography and of course a good luck with huge storm and also you must know weather issues. With all this I can get the right position for shots and the right time.

The last pic like you said...looks almost fake, because it was so many lightning strikes per minute, that I got few of them on the same pic. This was unusual storm for our country, called "supercell".

cool dude, you know your shit :headbang:

if i ever get to pose nude, you'll be the photographer!! =****
