The Right Brain vs Left Brain



There are 32 layers, extra ones for smoothness. Pay attention, there really is nothing to it. Just an optical illusion.
fwiw I have to try to get the counterclockwise. In my natural viewing state it's a steady clockwise.

But as it was said, that attempt is logically a function of left-braininess.
Its pretty much an image that can be seen going either way because its actually symmetrical, just look at the foot for a while. You'll eventually learn to change the direction its spinning at will
Once you understand it's symmetrical design, you can easily change it's rotation without problem. It is not designed to go either which way, it's just the brain's perception.
It switches direction and leg midspin. I checked frame by frame. I'm still right, symmetrical or not. :)
i opened this up in two windows. in one she's going one way, in the other she's going the other way, at the same time. i think it lies.