The Right Brain vs Left Brain

Pretty much everyone uses both sides of their brains equally.

Also how does the perceiving something spinning in a different direction signify use of hemispheres that vary by use of image recognition vs. language, etc?
i'm still seeing her go both ways AT ONCE while watching her from two windows. plus, having it open in two windows seems to confuse it and makes it stop for a moment before it switches ways. i'm with david, this thing lies.
i'm still seeing her go both ways AT ONCE while watching her from two windows. plus, having it open in two windows seems to confuse it and makes it stop for a moment before it switches ways. i'm with david, this thing lies.
It's a fact that if you look at it for a while, it'll stutter and pick up again. Could have a lot of reasons, but yeah, it could be switching. I'm too apathetic to look again.
It isn't switching. You guys are all just stupid, and I'm better than you.
If you're having trouble seeing it the "other" way:

If you see it going clockwise, the right leg is in the air. Try to see that leg as being the left leg.

if you see it going counter-clockwise, the left leg is in the air. Try to see that leg as being the right leg.

If this image appears to be fluid you're clinically depressed.
in the slower one, i see it go both ways with every movement. but it started out clockwise for me. then it moved the other way. so.. i'm ignorant and arrogant at the same time... i already knew that.