The Ring

eeeeeeeeee dude it's just 'Ring' I spose it's worth watching. There's a lot of irrelevancy in it, and, much like The Exorcist, it's disgustingly overrated, but insofar as 'original' 'horror' movies go, yeah man, it's worth a rent. I was fairly bored throughout the whole film, but one particular scene (i won't spoil it for you) literally chilled me and made my spine shiver. That made the rest of it worth watching for me.
oh yeah, for purposes of comparison, it's not nearly as good as the exorcist, but then, it's a totally different sort of film. (i hated the exorcist actually, but objectively, i know where things are. ;) )
My cousin's cousin's wife's father knew the guy that performed the exorcism that the movie was based on ... I think they were roomates in college or something ...
I liked this movie much more than the exorcist ; I was the only one I can remember laughing through most of the exorcist in the theatre. Everytime the little girl said something in that voice, or when she walked down the stairs like a crab... That was hilarious.
Ahhh good favorite part was listening to all the dorky women in the theater screaming.. :lol:
I saw it on Thursday (haven't seen the original) and thought it was great! As seems to be the norm with these sorts of horror flicks lately (The Others, The Mothman Prophecies) I felt like walking out after 10 minutes because I'm such wimp - must be old age I guess! :eek: The ending goes on a bit too long though, I must say.

Oh, and The Exorcist is BRILLIANT. One of the great movies of all time! I honestly don't know why some people think it's terrible! :confused:
eeeeeeeeee dude it's just 'Ring'

Well the Japanese film is called 'Ring' but the unneccessary American remake is called 'The Ring'. I think Americans can't handle a word on it own without 'The' prior to it just like they seemingly can't handle subtitles.

I haven't seen the remake and if I hadn't seen the original then I would say it looked good from the trailer. However, American teen horrors recently are like 'Clueless' with knives and that just isn't scary.
I shall do that, because I wasn't into the American verison of 'The Ring'. I suppose once you watch Faces of Death, all that Hollywood Horror just stops being scary :)