The Rumination Thread


Aug 9, 2008
Among the Horrors
I think this thread needs existence, as a contraposed to the Whining or What Are You Doing thread. A quote from the wiki on Rumination defines it as:

Rumination is the compulsively focused attention on the symptoms of one's distress, and on its possible causes and consequences, as opposed to its solutions.[1] Both rumination and worry are associated with anxiety and other negative emotional states, however its measures have not been unified.[2] In the Response Styles Theory proposed by Nolen-Hoeksema (1998),[3] rumination is defined as the “compulsively focused attention on the symptoms of one's distress, and on its possible causes and consequences, as opposed to its solutions”. Because the Response Styles Theory has been empirically supported, this model of rumination is the most widely used conceptualization. Other theories, however, have proposed different definitions for rumination. For example, in the Goal Progress Theory, rumination is conceptualized not as a reaction to a mood state, but as a “response to failure to progress satisfactorily towards a goal”.[4]

I don't create this thread due to my own "rumination" per se, but due to what I come in contact with in relation to my career path/my readings/my observations in general. I am limitedly coming in contact with the rumination of others (but also potential solutions or positive steps), and I expect this to continue and intensify(lol). Distress/stress is a significant focus/area I am interested in within the monumental concern of Psychology in general, and I think recognizing causes/sources and consequences is a key measure in coping with and reducing distress.

I recently have been made more aware of the distress of those of the villified(by myself as well) baby boomer ages, as it relates to being lonely. Of course they often can't recognize their life choices in those outcomes, but they have to each deal with those things in their own way. I think the modern and "post modern" commercial life encourages the atomization of the individual to the degree where even the most digitally connected human sits in the saccharine glow of a screen tuned to the appropriate social media outlet (even UM), and feels more lonely than even Thoreau ever could have felt. This is a thread for the outlet of feelings of such loneliness and pain, or even of disappointment of other natures, and hopefully for some sort of direction or deeper connection with the humanity sharing this digital boardspace.
why do i even exist? what more is there to experience in this world? i feel it will be the same shit everyday until death. work my boring ass deadend job throughout the year, licking the occasional butthole in mexico or canada until my annual 2 week fucking spree in europe...THERE'S GOTTA BE MORE TO LIFE MAN
I feel like I spend too much time pondering how cripplingly hopeless everything is a lot of the time. Having bipolar disorder really fucking sucks.
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I overanalyze every situation, and usually end up stressing and overthinking to the point of fucking things up.
I often ruminate on when I truly stopped giving a fuck. When did it all go so wrong where I had to constantly seek comedy just to smile? It seems like its always been this way but surely there was a time when a beautiful moment could matter.

I guess this feeling is similar to why so many comedians commit suicide. We try our damnedest to feel all the way to the core, but like any drug, the laughter eventually isn't enough. Thus all that remains is a gray, dry husk of drab human existence and being told this isn't a good time to make jokes.

Just cross your fingers and hope for genuine happy go lucky psychosis. You'll be alright.
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