It would seem the irony there is lost on most, made only more ludicrous by the fact that virtually all of LaVey's "philosophy" is but a cobbed-together mix of Nietzsche, assorted Occult gobbeldygook, and verbatim plagarism from the infamous "Might Is Right" screed, which by and by was a far more entertaining read in context than LaVey's ponderous pseudo-religious nonsense. (In fairness though, to an impressionable longhaired teenage "rebel" in the 80's, who knew not Nietzsche from Nebuchadnezzar - LaVey's bombast was very impressiveI thought for sure I knew it all then...
Agreed. Though in all fairness, I don't believe all of it is so retarded. And I think some things can be interpreted to be either retarded or useful (as base hedonism as it is usually interpreted as isn't necessarily a part of what is written.) Not that I've read much of the Satanic Bible, but just going by the "commandments."