the *scare the shit outta me* band recommendations thread.


Drug the Priest
May 30, 2005
the bowels of lochness
I want a band thats just so scary. That no matter where you play their music. Even in, lets say, a phil collins concert. People are gonna be a little :zombie:

And when I mean scary, I don't mean brutal like devourment or exhumed. No, thats not scary. Thats just down right brutal and HEAVY! I want something along the lines of blut aus nord, but with less repetition.
Wormphlegm is going to leave everyone running around with their hands over their ears. The vocals are so fucking sick especially on their demo (In An Excruciating Way // it's one 30 minutes song but it's funeral doom so..)!
Hence the questionmark.

I can't really think of too many metal bands that I'd say sound genuinely scary. Dark ambient is much better at doing that. But it's not the kind of music that you put on and people would instantly go "oh no turn it off plz!" More the kind of music that can slowly instill a sense of dread upon you if you allow it to.

There's a very fine line between genuine creepiness and the over-the-top kind that is no longer credible. A lot of extreme metal that tries to be creepy crosses that line, where you can hear the band is trying to go for a creepy/evil sound but you don't really feel anything. I'd love to hear some metal that does pull it off though, I'm sure it must exist.
More the kind of music that can slowly instill a sense of dread upon you if you allow it to.

I've gotten that kind of feeling from listening to Lustmord. I once fell asleep while I had Lustmord playing and I starting having all these weird dreams and the whole time I could hear Lustmord in the background. It creeped me the fuck out.
Wormphlegm is going to leave everyone running around with their hands over their ears. The vocals are so fucking sick especially on their demo (In An Excruciating Way // it's one 30 minutes song but it's funeral doom so..)!

Fuck yes.
Add to that Stabat Matter, and the other two typical entires (Tyranny and Catacombs). Celestiial is a good choice, and different from the previously mentioned bands.

Also try: Reverend Kriss Hades - The Wind Over Orion

As for Black metal...
Morrigan, although not really scary imo, has some parts that sound very fucking demonic when coming out of a superb pair of speakers (specifically Bastard and Bitch, Armour of Honour which are off of the "Welcome to Samhain' album. But other than that this album reminds me a lot of D666 for some odd reason.
Ah, there was a band I checked out a while ago, and it was the only band to have ever actually scared me. The music was so damn weird and disturbing - totally different to most of the crazy sounding metal out there. I can't remember their name, and I just recently deleted their album.

I think it was called something along the lines of "memories of the trip to the hospital or something".

Scary shit lol.