The scene

Basically, their is alot of crap and alot of non-crap. While the crap certainly outways the non-crap its the bombardment of this constant crap that creates originality within the genre. A select few of artists from the genre recognize this, whether they say they do or not, and transcend boundaries to create music that is new or original in some way.

Skyfire have carved out their sound in the genre that is most culprit to too many samey bands, which is certainly a hard thing to do nowadays. So props to them :headbang:

But unfortunately its always the case in music were clones of what might have been a once great sound far outweigh the originality and innovation in the genre. But at least its great to know that if you search around, you can find bands that are bringing something new to the table
Infernium said:
I think, or atleast strongly hope to see viking/folkish metal rise up even more than it has for few past years. Followers of Bathory; Moonsorrow, Ensiferum, Finntroll, Thyrfing, Turisas and many others have really gave us a new a lot more powerfull meaning for folkish metal. Also doom/death as a subgenre has been looking very promising to me.
i don't think this will really happen. simply because viking/folk as a limited range to develop. no offence meant tho: I do enjoy bands like thyrfing and turisas & co. myself.
maybe some more Vintersorg-up-to-CosmicGenesis-disciples will come out and later will be accused of getting too far away from their roots just like their master, that's it.

also doom-death would only play a short intermezzo-role in popularity's game, just like metalcore, but with the positive aspect of remaining "music for exact that mood".

i don't know what could be the "next thing" - it doesn't matter to me since i will keep listening to the music i enjoy most, and if it's not hip today so fucking what :)
as popular as metal gets i dont believe it will ever get its own time slot on VH1 or MTV during the day at least. maybe like at 3am when everyone is asleep. but as for certain genres black metal has been covered execpt the mentioning of Cradle of filth. i believe they are also a dring force in bringing down black metal. i never really liked them and cant see what they have done to become as popular as they are now (and making cds every 6 months doesnt help black metals chances either). some one had said that the BM scene in the states is better than it is in Norway and i would have to agree as welll in the sense that they are keeping the image to a minimal and making the music in the way it should be. scenes id like to see rise above: melodic, prog, folk/viking metal. imo kalmah is better than bodom, i like the way they progressed in all there cds better than bodom, since there last cd and there single is feeling weaker than hatebreeder and follow the reaper, i dont like there chances in keeping that genre up they will need the help of Kalmah, and others to keep it up

Technical metal, ive only heard a couple of bands in this catagory and its seems impressive though it probably takes to long to make a cds in this catagory to hold up for long. Spirial Architect is one of the bands i have heard and i really like them alot. still waiting for another release by them

as for Prog. im not sure that this catagory would be considered a metal catagory and its probably been beaten to death in the past 15 or so years by dream theater, symphony-x, ayreon, fates warning etc. but i think the 2 bands that can and have linked prog to metal are opeth and disillusion. both playing a death/fast and agressive side but also have moments of melodic beauty that only a few bands can pull off properly.

and as for folk/viking, ive always enjoyed listening to moonsorrow, thyrfing, vintersong, otyg etc. i dunno as others have said that there is room for it to grow since there is only so much you can do to stay within the genre.

i do have to say i am a little disappointed with some of the more popular metal bands or pop metal bands as i like to call it. IE lamb of god, kill switch, cradle of filth, devildriver, and others getting way more attention than they deserve. since i dont feek that LOG is anything special and seeing them in concert didnt help since the lead singer looks like he belongs in blink 182. and just overall uninspiring unoriginal IMO. hope i didnt step on anyones toes just giving my 2 cents :)
very weird.

from what i have observed lately, it seems that (more or less) local scenes seem to flourish and on the other hand we have for example Skyfire here, who say that it#s all going downstream.

what to conclude now? selling metal won't ever be possible for those who came (a bit too) late?
opacity said:
very weird.

from what i have observed lately, it seems that (more or less) local scenes seem to flourish and on the other hand we have for example Skyfire here, who say that it#s all going downstream.

what to conclude now? selling metal won't ever be possible for those who came (a bit too) late?
I may be all wrong. Your suggested conclusion is the one I had in mind when I first thought about it. But I dont know for sure. Skyfire's situation maybe is an exception.
Another slightly unrelated thought... Is anyone else totally burnt out on melodeath? The only melodic death bands I listen to anymore are Skyfire, Dark Tranquillity, and Arsis. And I'm listening to Hollenthon right now, I dunno what they are, but they're not conventional anything so they don't count.
Yeah...I kinda agree with ya there froosch. I love Dark Tranquillity to death but man...this new album, even on repeated listens sounds too typical. Nothing jumps out at me. It's something I would have gone apeshit over 2 years ago but now I find it just a "Good" album (not bad by any means at all).

@marteen: well sir, I hope you guys continue to write great music regardless of whether or not it'll make you money. I understand bands have a hard time playing extreme metal and keeping their lives together, but you guys have done an awesome job for 3 albums and have a very nice hardcore fanbase. Keep on truckin' I say :)
skyfire, dark tranquillity and throne of chaos are all i really pay attention too. Though throne will never go back to menace and prayer.. they still amuse me to no end.

"mustang fulla eskimos.."
Final_Vision said:
Yeah...I kinda agree with ya there froosch. I love Dark Tranquillity to death but man...this new album, even on repeated listens sounds too typical. Nothing jumps out at me. It's something I would have gone apeshit over 2 years ago but now I find it just a "Good" album (not bad by any means at all).

@marteen: well sir, I hope you guys continue to write great music regardless of whether or not it'll make you money. I understand bands have a hard time playing extreme metal and keeping their lives together, but you guys have done an awesome job for 3 albums and have a very nice hardcore fanbase. Keep on truckin' I say :)
haha, we sure will =) The making money question is not an issue, simply because thats not realistic in our genre if you´re not are up there with the big guys. The problem the way I see it is that if we dont sell enough albums, the label cannot afford us to record in a studio. That would suck a little bit. I suppose we could record guitars, keys and bass at home and still come up with a pretty good sound, but the vocals and drums need a real studio I think. But if the worst case scenario would occur, then I guess we will record the songs at home and release over the internet. The sad thing about that is that it will get even harder to get gigs.
froosch said:
Another slightly unrelated thought... Is anyone else totally burnt out on melodeath? The only melodic death bands I listen to anymore are Skyfire, Dark Tranquillity, and Arsis. And I'm listening to Hollenthon right now, I dunno what they are, but they're not conventional anything so they don't count.
i havent listened to melodeath in quite a few months, unless you count lunar strain/subterrainian and all the at the gates albums. ive been mostly listening to black metal (ukraine fucking rules!), stoner sludge, and like, american 'post-hardcore extreme metal' (or whatever the fuck you call it. 'metalcore' is too misleading of a tag) converge, pig destroyer, mastodon, etc. yeh, if i popped in hatebreeder or colony i would enjoy them, but i just havent been in the mood for them. i played the shit out of that genre.
MC Hanner said:
haha, we sure will =) The making money question is not an issue, simply because thats not realistic in our genre if you´re not are up there with the big guys. The problem the way I see it is that if we dont sell enough albums, the label cannot afford us to record in a studio. That would suck a little bit. I suppose we could record guitars, keys and bass at home and still come up with a pretty good sound, but the vocals and drums need a real studio I think. But if the worst case scenario would occur, then I guess we will record the songs at home and release over the internet. The sad thing about that is that it will get even harder to get gigs.

Well, I don't think Arise is the label that is going to take you anywhere really to tell you the truth. You guys also are good enough to avoid the whole latter scenario. I don't see you guys getting kicked off the label and doing home recordings. You guys have gotten spectacular reviews for all albums released thus far and you guys got worshipped in Korea. I think you guys need a better label to carry you into the future to be honest. It's definitly in their hands to get you some good gigs and promote you guys properly because Spectral had almost non-existant promotion.
Final_Vision said:
Well, I don't think Arise is the label that is going to take you anywhere really to tell you the truth. You guys also are good enough to avoid the whole latter scenario. I don't see you guys getting kicked off the label and doing home recordings. You guys have gotten spectacular reviews for all albums released thus far and you guys got worshipped in Korea. I think you guys need a better label to carry you into the future to be honest. It's definitly in their hands to get you some good gigs and promote you guys properly because Spectral had almost non-existant promotion.
I agree man
Final_Vision said:
Well, I don't think Arise is the label that is going to take you anywhere really to tell you the truth. You guys also are good enough to avoid the whole latter scenario. I don't see you guys getting kicked off the label and doing home recordings. You guys have gotten spectacular reviews for all albums released thus far and you guys got worshipped in Korea. I think you guys need a better label to carry you into the future to be honest. It's definitly in their hands to get you some good gigs and promote you guys properly because Spectral had almost non-existant promotion.
"you guys" count: 6
something's going wrong in sweden, I'm convinced now - here's the proof:

"Exit" is still hanging on Finnish official charts. We also made an interview and Top40 TV-show showed the "Burden"-video. Rotten Sound wishes, that the Finnish "Ministry of Truth" returns from holidays before we lose all true grind/punk-listeners.

a grind core band in the charts, how sick is that :lol: :lol: :Smokin: