Roope better than Laiho?

Kill 'Em All said:
Alexi is better than Roope. & I see Alexander better than Roope. The main reason why CoB are shite now is because Alexander left, Roope came into the band, made simpler & heavier riffs which = shite. I miss the old riff like on the Hatebreeder album. You'll never get the fun riffs like on Hatebreeder, Silent Night, Bodom Night & so on. Alexander should've never of left. This is the main reason why I hate CoB's newer stuff.


Idiot..Die now
In Your Face said:
Are you fucking retarded?

Let me explain this again...

I do not take a fucking internet nickname seriously first off. Especially this one, because it is an inside joke with my friends from a few years back... So, when I create a nickname, I don't put any time or thought into it because I DON'T CARE, its the fucking internet. Inside jokes are not taken very seriously. Thats why they are a joke.

And, I have to say, you're so bad ass for saying "fuck you" to me in finnish.

Suck my fart, cootersack.

Don't you understand, it's his joke name around his friends because he takes it in the face from them and only them.

I figured it out.
arch_enemy666 said:
who the fuck said alexander was better than roope, what was the last memorable solo alexander played, wait has he ever even played a solo

Allu played solos on Red light in my eyes pt1. Correct me if i'm wrong here. And he played a fast ''solo'' on the intro of touch like an angel of death (live in tokyo). I think he pwnez all because he wrote some great riffs, including the main riff of my lil bloodred ridin hood. That song rulez.
arch_enemy666 said:
who the fuck said alexander was better than roope, what was the last memorable solo alexander played, wait has he ever even played a solo
I agree with that person, Alexander is better than Roope. Not necessarily at guitar, but more personality. Alexander left because the band was wearing camo and shit, and because he was getting tiired of touring. Roope is sucking the band towards that direction. And Alexander played almost all of the solos on Deadnight Warrior. He also played the backround solo in Downfall (made up by him).
Bodom After Breakfast said:
I agree with that person, Alexander is better than Roope. Not necessarily at guitar, but more personality. Alexander left because the band was wearing camo and shit, and because he was getting tiired of touring. Roope is sucking the band towards that direction. And Alexander played almost all of the solos on Deadnight Warrior. He also played the backround solo in Downfall (made up by him).

Alexander had a camo guitar. :loco: