the secret to In Flames' drum sound

The dude must have a piercing down there otherwise how could he get such an attack out of the woodblock?

Have you ever smashed your penis against wood? It can sound powerful as hell, especially if it's wet :heh:
I think i'm gonna sample my penis and blend it with the snare samples on our next album :lol:
playing drums with ones penis is nothing really new though. its actually an old studio trick from way back before we had sound replacing and all that jazz.
Oh God ! Orange, something tells me that the next Inflames album will be pretty fucked up, experimentation and crap. It`s not good to have your own huge studio and a lot of free stuff shipped to you. Thats the producer/mixerguys job. The band should focus on the music. We`ll see. The will drumsound will be awesome though he he.
there's a new song that they recorded for some bam margera bullshit on their myspace already. well, if you'd like to call it "new" at least cause it sound quite familiar.
I have an orange tiny terror and I'm a little suspect if they record the whole album w/ that amp. Its a great little amp, but in my opinion there are much better amps for metal. I have a much easier time getting a good metal tone from a 5150 or my Krank rev jr than the tiny terror. Maybe they'll just blend in a little of the TT for some additional texture.
It looked to me like they were just fucking around and jamming, was the thing even micd up?
I have a fender deluxe reverb in my room, occasionally people fuck with it, doesnt mean it's the death of their metal-ness

I was just making a dick joke
Yeah, scandinavian people are very tall....Look at hatesphere...I meet them here in Italy a couple of times...I'm 1.85 and they are 10cm or more taller than me.
Another time I meet In Flames and Bjorn is very tall too