arsehole know-it-all
don't mix too loudly. You can get free or cheap SPL meter apps for your smart phone to give you an idea of the levels you are working at. 75dBSPL works best for me, find what works for you.
I have a short tip... huh... huh
dont compress if you dont know how too!!
This(...)Also be aware of how your ears react to high and high mid cuts.(...)
(...)Seek and destroy resonant frequencies on all tracks with narrow cuts before starting a mix.(...)
Satson channel is great for this job.
I hate this answer b/c it's not helpful. Generally when someones asks for rules they desperately need some basic guidance. Despite the cliche there are a shitload of rules and basic techniques. If you know and understand them (academically or instinctually) you'll know when and how to break them to achieve your goals.When i ask a mentor of mine for advice he always gives it but ends with "there are no rules"