The shows in Gothenburg


Apr 5, 2006
It`s not every day you get to see your favourite band twice:rock:

Starting with the acoustic session, the band were jammed up in probably the smallest stage ive ever seen, maybe 2*2 meters... But they managed to get all the band up the with guitar, bass, keyboards and even the smallest drumkit ive seen:lol: The set was awesome and we got to hear 2 and a half songs from torn and as i lie here bleeding medleye`d in there as well :) Tom shows again what a great frontman he is, and the jokes with the audience came like we usually hear them play riffs :rock:

After the acoustic set i met up with some really great guys from the forum known as the "somniums" :lol: We grabbed some beers and had a blast:kickass: waiting for them to post the pictures of the gang as well.

Then the curtain went aside and we all went nuts as usual:rock: EG were on fire as always and we got to hear four songs from Torn. Totally kickass on the album, fucking awesome live!

Sorry about The marked by the triangle Tom:blush: ill get it right the next time:)
I'm curious what happened... something tells me you got a mic in the face and you screwed up the lyrics when put on the spot. :waah:

hehe, no, last time i saw evergrey Tom asked me what was my favourite song, and i answered that it differs from time to time,but right now its marked by the triangle. And at saturday he looked at me and wonder what the next song was gonna be and i answered solitude within... :blush:
Managed to get atleast 1 good picture from the acoustic gig:

And I must say, it was really nice meeting you, Kuksug!
Don't know if you remember me, but I held the spot in the middle front row for you haha :rock:
Thought I could share these videos. The quality isn't that good, but i still enjoyed it very much:

[ame][/ame] - Soaked
[ame][/ame] - Broken Wings
[ame][/ame] - Torn
[ame][/ame] - I'm Sorry