I dunno if this was a new episode (I hadn't seen it before), but fuck it was funny. One of the funniuest I have seen in recent seasons. It was the one where Homer hires a Private Investigator to learn about Lisa's personality.
Some fuckin funny moments included:
The video that homer made for Lisa's birthday. It was a photo of Lisa stuck on a cowboys body with Homer doing the vocals
"I am Lisa Simpson... My favorite food is Chicken Nuggets"
LISA: Dad, I'm a vegetarian. I hate chicken Nuggets
HOMER: Ahh, well you're not gunna like your other present then
And it zooms to a chicken wrapped in wrapping paper! hahahahaha
I fuckin lost it when I saw that
Also when Homer said in the video that her best friend is Maggie Simpsons. Then Lisa got the shits and said "Dad, you dont know anything about me. I hate chicken and Maggie is my sister, not my best friend." She then ran up to her room and Homer said "Maggie, you're her best friend, go talk to her" hahaha
Also when Marge was worried about Lisa and Bart says "Don't worry mum, this will take yuo mind of Lias" Then he throws his plate of food at the wall and it splatters everywhere! hahahahaha
Also when Homer drew the hair on himself with Grease and then drew glasses and eyebrows! haha
And when Homer rang Marge and was talking in code incase the Police were there, and then Marge started talking back in code to which Homer said "No Marge, you don't get it, its me... Homer... Simpson!" hahahahahaa. That was so fuckin funny. Not only did he not get what Marge was trying to do, but he felt like she wouldnt know who it was by just giving his first name. Man, so fuckin funny
Some fuckin funny moments included:
The video that homer made for Lisa's birthday. It was a photo of Lisa stuck on a cowboys body with Homer doing the vocals
"I am Lisa Simpson... My favorite food is Chicken Nuggets"
LISA: Dad, I'm a vegetarian. I hate chicken Nuggets
HOMER: Ahh, well you're not gunna like your other present then
And it zooms to a chicken wrapped in wrapping paper! hahahahaha
I fuckin lost it when I saw that
Also when Homer said in the video that her best friend is Maggie Simpsons. Then Lisa got the shits and said "Dad, you dont know anything about me. I hate chicken and Maggie is my sister, not my best friend." She then ran up to her room and Homer said "Maggie, you're her best friend, go talk to her" hahaha
Also when Marge was worried about Lisa and Bart says "Don't worry mum, this will take yuo mind of Lias" Then he throws his plate of food at the wall and it splatters everywhere! hahahahaha
Also when Homer drew the hair on himself with Grease and then drew glasses and eyebrows! haha
And when Homer rang Marge and was talking in code incase the Police were there, and then Marge started talking back in code to which Homer said "No Marge, you don't get it, its me... Homer... Simpson!" hahahahahaa. That was so fuckin funny. Not only did he not get what Marge was trying to do, but he felt like she wouldnt know who it was by just giving his first name. Man, so fuckin funny