The Simpsons last night

Spruce Goose

Then Goose me up woman!
Apr 17, 2001
I dunno if this was a new episode (I hadn't seen it before), but fuck it was funny. One of the funniuest I have seen in recent seasons. It was the one where Homer hires a Private Investigator to learn about Lisa's personality.

Some fuckin funny moments included:

The video that homer made for Lisa's birthday. It was a photo of Lisa stuck on a cowboys body with Homer doing the vocals

"I am Lisa Simpson... My favorite food is Chicken Nuggets"
LISA: Dad, I'm a vegetarian. I hate chicken Nuggets
HOMER: Ahh, well you're not gunna like your other present then

And it zooms to a chicken wrapped in wrapping paper! hahahahaha
I fuckin lost it when I saw that

Also when Homer said in the video that her best friend is Maggie Simpsons. Then Lisa got the shits and said "Dad, you dont know anything about me. I hate chicken and Maggie is my sister, not my best friend." She then ran up to her room and Homer said "Maggie, you're her best friend, go talk to her" hahaha

Also when Marge was worried about Lisa and Bart says "Don't worry mum, this will take yuo mind of Lias" Then he throws his plate of food at the wall and it splatters everywhere! hahahahaha

Also when Homer drew the hair on himself with Grease and then drew glasses and eyebrows! haha

And when Homer rang Marge and was talking in code incase the Police were there, and then Marge started talking back in code to which Homer said "No Marge, you don't get it, its me... Homer... Simpson!" hahahahahaa. That was so fuckin funny. Not only did he not get what Marge was trying to do, but he felt like she wouldnt know who it was by just giving his first name. Man, so fuckin funny

Simpsons :rock:
Ohh... Another funny part was when Homer and Lisa made up and started really getting along, they showed a montage of Lisa sitting on the couch with a T-Shirt that said "Daddy's Girl". Then it panned over to the right to show Homer sitting on the lounge with a T-Shirt that said "Lisa's Father". Then it panned to the right again to show Bart sitting there with a T-Shirt that said "Bart"

I believe that one's an old episode? In my opinion the simpsons lost the plot at least 4 or 5 seasons ago.. I kept watching hoping that there'd be a decent episode, but 90% of them are shithouse now... Fox seems to want to continue the simpsons (i believe they're contracted for another 2 season?), but fuckin futurama gets no help... Futurama is 5 seasons of great stuff, and have gotten stronger every season... DAMMIT!!
Futurama's episode where Fry (is that the dude's name?) finds out his brother became everything he was going to or whatever, then finds out that he got it wrong with The Breakfast Club soundtrack... Simple Minds - Don't You (Forget about Me) at the end...

one of the greatest episodes in a cartoon ever. Fucking hell that was brilliant. I seriously had tears.
Futurama - 310 - Luck Of The Fryish.

Some of the Season 4 episodes do your head in, its an awesome Sci-Fi cartoons which just turns on itself in such a way to twist everything. It's clever.

Which means most people won't like it. Stupid people not liking clever things :(
Futurama series are $32 and JB Hi-Fi. All of them are $32 each.

Plus I already have all the Family Guy episodes on my pc, now thats an awesome cartoon. So Glad it was put back on tv.
Myself being a nerd and once being massivley into D&D (I still would be if i had a group to play with) I loved the episode that had Gary Gygax in it haha...that was great.

Al Gore: "To my left you'll recognize Gary Gygax, inventor of Dungeons & Dragons."
Gary Gygax: "Greetings! It's a" *rolls dice* "pleasure to meet you!"


Gary Gygax - "Here! Take my +1 mace!"


I never really watched Futurama regularly...I should pick up a box set and get a fill.