The Simpsons Movie


Dec 21, 2003
Just got back from the midnight showing. It was pretty bad ass. Typical Simpsons though. It was pretty much a long episode, but that obviously doesn't mean it was bad. Liked every part of it, had me cracking up the whole time.

Thoughts? Anyone else see it or plan on seeing it? If you are, I assure you will not be disappointed.:kickass:
"Not black, black is the worst colour!...

...oh sorry Carl!"

"Don't worry, I get it all the time"

It's more like the caustic glory days of Simpsons comedy than it's been in quite some years, but it's not brilliant. I laughed quite a bit though. :)
i'm dying to see it today, however the biggest problem is my town is mostly filled with parents with young kids who think since its animated, its a good movie to bring your 6 or 8 year old too. this means they're going to laugh obnoxiously loud every single time homer says d'oh or something happens but not any of the real jokes. normally i wouldn't be bugged by this but all the shows will probably be sold out with them and it'll be so loud i'll probably barely be able to hear the movie over talking and laughing. it looks awesome though.
Go to the latest show possible.

Up here, if you go Sunday night, to the latest show possible, you always get great seats, and barely anyone around.
Go to the latest show possible.

Up here, if you go Sunday night, to the latest show possible, you always get great seats, and barely anyone around.

yeah thats what i was thinking, the problem is i don't have a car and busses don't run past 9 but i think i can deal with an hour walk for no kids.
Thoroughly surprised.

Two Thumbs up here on this end as well.

This makes up for simpsons sucking for the past 5 years.