The Single Note Appreciation Thread


Jun 22, 2003
Alright musicians and music enthusiasts, I'm starting this thread in honor of those particular SINGLE notes that really strike you and make you think 'oh god, what an amazing, beautiful, clever choice that was!' What single notes do you think should be in the running for the 'single greatest note of all time'?

The note that gave me the idea to start this thread occurs 36 seconds into Ninja by Cacophony. It's a luscious bend into an exotic tension that always makes me appreciate the genius of MF and JB. Plus for a band with generally not great tone, the pop and sass of that clean tone is phenomenal for that feel and dynamic.

Have at it!
are you reffering to the bend at 39 seconds. Not trying to be the smartass "correct someone as soon as I have a chance for no reason other than because I can" guy....just wanted to make sure I know what you're talking about. are a few of mine:

The bend/release that starts at about 3:33 in Vai's "Lotus Feet"

7:18 into Pain of Salvation's "In the Flesh", where Daniel is singing the word "home" as the feedback segues into the piano part
I tell you what note I hate. F. I hate Fs. Today in my exam i had to write out a passage of notes, only knowing the first note, and i thought the first interval was a fourth but apparently it was a minor 3rd, it didnt sound like a minor 3rd at all i got gypped hard. all Fs can burn in hell.
I tell you what note I hate. F. I hate Fs. Today in my exam i had to write out a passage of notes, only knowing the first note, and i thought the first interval was a fourth but apparently it was a minor 3rd, it didnt sound like a minor 3rd at all i got gypped hard. all Fs can burn in hell.

Shit you're giving me relapses - melodic dictation o_O
I did TEE music in final year and they were always a cunt of a thing to do. In our final exam we had a melodic dictation sung in four part harmony where we had to transcribe the top line :erk: The key is to get the rhythm down and then try to fill in the notes. If you spend too long worrying about the first couple of intervals you will only get a couple of bars down.
I tell you what note I hate. F. I hate Fs. Today in my exam i had to write out a passage of notes, only knowing the first note, and i thought the first interval was a fourth but apparently it was a minor 3rd, it didnt sound like a minor 3rd at all i got gypped hard. all Fs can burn in hell.

Minor 3rd = beginning of Green Sleeves
Perfect 4th = Here comes the bride

If you hate F does that imply you hate C, it's brother in non-flat-ery?
are you reffering to the bend at 39 seconds. Not trying to be the smartass "correct someone as soon as I have a chance for no reason other than because I can" guy....just wanted to make sure I know what you're talking about. are a few of mine:

The bend/release that starts at about 3:33 in Vai's "Lotus Feet"

7:18 into Pain of Salvation's "In the Flesh", where Daniel is singing the word "home" as the feedback segues into the piano part

Not sure on the time because I am going off a download which may be different than the CD. It's the note in the chromatic ascension that bends from a 3rd chromatic note in a row to a 4th chromatic note in a row.

Not sure of the exact notes, but in.. some.... key... it would be, for example, A > A# > B bends into C
Shit you're giving me relapses - melodic dictation o_O
I did TEE music in final year and they were always a cunt of a thing to do. In our final exam we had a melodic dictation sung in four part harmony where we had to transcribe the top line :erk: The key is to get the rhythm down and then try to fill in the notes. If you spend too long worrying about the first couple of intervals you will only get a couple of bars down. that's what I always fucked up on in my class. I'd always try to figure out the first few measures and wouldn't really move on until I got them....but I guess it's figuring out rhythm first then filling in intervals like you said. I find the rhythm part easier anyway. that's what I always fucked up on in my class. I'd always try to figure out the first few measures and wouldn't really move on until I got them....but I guess it's figuring out rhythm first then filling in intervals like you said. I find the rhythm part easier anyway.

Yeah, exactly - since most people find rhythm to be easy, why not get that part of the dictation as good as you can get it, and then try to jag a few parts of the melody :)
i figure out the rhythm then draw out on a scrap bit of paper what the melodic shape is, and then try to figure it out. it was in an orchestral arrangement and over a weird chord, was hard to tell what was going on!
It's not a "single" note pur-say, but the all powerful open bottom three strings in DropD :headbang:

It's can be trying to wail your heart out and mess up really bad, and always come back to the power of that note. Makes ya feel horny :lol: