single note punch/attack/definition

I will upload the DI track, just need to reinstall all my programs because my disk died (grrrrr) and I'm also very busy so I'll try to upload it when I get a free time and do it as soon as I can.
Do it when you have time, don't hurry ;) You should have a mirrored HDD next time...can save sooo much time and annoying reinstalling!
I find Trivium's tone hard to achieve with what I have, it sounds like there's some quality on the low end of the guitars that make them really punchy. Might be another mic blended or maybe it's just the high quality gear used in the record at it's finest. Anyways here's the DI wav and the distorted track of it. The DI track is clipping but because of the EMG's. Don't expect fine playing, I'm still getting accustomed to this guitar =P
Sorry for the late response.

TSE x50 the lastest beta version, it was recorded on the fly but I'm pretty sure it was something very close to this: red channel the one that has more gain, pre gain - 4, low - 5, mid - 1, high 4.5, post gain was somewhere between 2 and 3, low end - 5, presence - 7.

Can you share the impulse?
Nice tone!
Is the action of your guitar really low? Some of the notes seem a little too "twangy" to me. Have you tried re-arranging the riff towards the lower side of the strings?