the smoking thread

CaGeD iN

Wandering on Ypres Rd.
well there is a drinking thread so why not have a smoking thread, so what kind of cancersticks do you smoke. for me marlboro greens. I know i shouldnt cuz i am still a bit young, but it seems to help me get through depression and stress, idk y but it just does, once i get out of the hole im in i plan on quitting:Smokin:
i used to occasionaly smoke MARIJUANA, but never again. i've realized how much i don't like it. i had an extra "nasty" experience on sunday and that was my last time..

on to other drugs...
Never smoked, never will hopefully. My one friend started smoking, trying to get her to quit, gah
Likewise, never smoked a cigarette, hate the things. :p Looking forward to the smoking ban in Melbourne venues next year. ;)

However, I will very occasionally smoke the green stuff when hanging out with friends.
Smoke Marlboro. Down here I get through 25-30 per day, because there is so much time to kill...

Just got 3 boxes of em, from a guy who came down from Kabul. There a box costs 6$, while here in Kandahar a box costs 27.50$! So I´ve saved quite a lot of money!!!

But once I get back home, I guess I´ll have to go back to smoking the cheap stuff, cos at home a box of Marlboro costs approx. 50$!!!
:) i smoke girly stuff like Benson menthol ultralight and Caprice when my momm gets the form USA... ciggs are really expensive here tho...
Chesterfield Red. Cant really smoke any other brand, chesterfield kinda sticks with you when start to like it. I'm thinking of quitting though..