The Devils Lettuce Thread

From what i've been told joints are waaaaay more popular in europe than in the states?

I'd guess so, a joint is the default smoking method in leicester where I live. With good reason to be fair, I think it's the most hastle free way of smoking lots. I used to be a smoker though so I guess I'm used to toking that way :)
Yeah, not terribly popular over here, at least not with the young crowd, and I've never personally rolled one before to be clear, so don't blame me :D And I definitely would consider a big bowl (or steamroller, I love those) the most hassle-free way of smoking a lot - pack, light, done :goggly:
I'm a big fan of blunts, especially the Zigzag Peach flavor. Bongs are cool but can be inconvenient to take places, so I usually just use my trusty small glass piece.
Nice thread. Electric blue from Cali just racked my world couple nights ago.

Out of curiosity, has anyone ever made hash oil? Some friends of mine kept all of their stems in a glass jar til they filled it up. About two fists worth. They took that and ran it through a coffee make (not a coffee grinder). They ended up with about half a teaspoon of very light colored goop. Rolled a dime in that goop, and then we smoked 3 liter gravity bongs of that goop soaked weed. highest I've ever been...ever.
Out of interest, has anyone here ever whitey'd/ whited? I've never even come close no matter how much I smoke, so if you have, how the fuck did you do it?
I turned green-ish once, that was probably more to do with the hideous amount of gin I was drinking though.
Seriously, why would you want to drink gin?
Its fucking horrible

:kickass: + :Smokin: = :ill: :Puke: