the jokes thread


New Metal Member
Feb 28, 2002
okay i'm getting pretty bored here at the office, so i thought a joke thread would be just fine. i go first.

So these two whales, male and female, are swimming happily through the ocean when they come upon a boat. On seeing the boat, the male says, "Hey, I've got a great idea! Let's swim up under that boat and blow out really hard through our blowholes!"

The female says, "Oh, I don't know..."

"Come on, it'll be fun, come on, just this once!"

The female agrees and they swim up under the boat and blow out, capsizing the boat and sending hapless sailors into the briny blue. As they are swimming away, the male says, "Wow, that was fun, wasn't it? Hey! I've got another idea! Let's swim back there and eat all the sailors!"

To which the female, exasperated, replies, "Look, I agreed to the blow job, but I'm not swallowing any seamen."

Mickey mouse goes into his lawyers office, and asks if his divorce papers are ready to sign?
Lawyer: yes mickey, but are you sure you want to go through with this and divorce minnie??
Mickey:I am completely sure
Lawyer: The fact is that just because your wife is silly its really know grounds for divorce
Mickey: i didn't say that she was silly! i said she was fucking Goofy!!

Barbara Walters was doing a documentary on the customs of American Indians. After a tour of the reservation they were on, she asked why the difference in the number of feathers in the headdresses.

She asked a brave who had only one feather in his headdress.
His reply was, "Me have only one squaw, me have only one feather."

She asked another brave, feeling the first fellow was only joking. This brave had four feathers in his headdress. He replied, "UGH, Me have four feathers because me sleep with four squaws."

Still not convinced that the number of feathers indicated the number of squaws involved, she decided to interview the chief. Now the chief headdress was full of feathers which, needless to say, amused Ms. Walters. She asked the chief, "Why do you have so many feathers in your headdress?" The chief proudly pounded his chest and said, "Me Chief, Me fuck-em all, big, small, fat, tall, me fuck-em all."

Horrified, Ms. Walters stated. "You ought to be hung." The Chief replied. "You damned right me hung......Big like Buffalo, long like Snake." Ms Walters cried, "You don't have to be so goddamn hostile! The Chief replied, "Hoss'style, dog-style, wolf-style, any-style, me fuck-em all!"

Tears in her eyes, Ms. Walters cried, "OH DEAR." The Chief said, "No no fuck deer.....Asshole too high, and fuckers run too fast. No fuck deer."


A young blonde came home from school and was heard by her mother reciting her homework:

"Two plus two, the son of a bitch is four; four plus four, the son of a bitch is eight; eight plus eight, the son of a bitch--"

"Judi!" shouted her mother. "Watch your language! You're not allowed to use swearwords like 'son of a bitch'".

"But, Mom," replied Judi, "that's what the teacher taught us, and she said to recite it out loud till we learned it."

Next day Judi's mother went to school with her daughter and right into the classroom to complain. "Oh, heavens!" said the teacher. "That's not what I taught them. They're supposed to say, 'Two plus two, the sum of which is four.' "


There was a Latino man looking for job. The boss asked, " Do you speak English?"
"Yes, Senor," he replied.
The boss continued, "I will test your comprehension, make a sentence with these three words: Green, pink and yellow."
The Latino man laughed, "That's easy, Senor. Here it is : The phone GREENS, I PINK it up and say YELLOW"

A duck walked into a pharmacy, and waddled back to the druggist's counter. The druggist looked at him and chuckled, "Hey little fella! What can I do for you?"
The duck says, "I'd like a box of condoms please."
The pharmacist says, "Well, sure! Would you like me to put
that on your bill?"
The duck says, "I'm not that kind of duck!"
(only for Graspopers)

-Hey,yer hair is green!!!

-But whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy???????????

:eek: :yow: :ill: :hypno: :yuk: :yuk:

Little Toto says to little Helen:"hey little helen,will ya come over to my house tonight?There will be nobody at home!"
And little Helen went over to his house and there was nobody there!!!!:eek: :lol: :lol: :erk: :Puke: :Puke: :Puke: :ill:
Somnium in tenebris, oraia i metafrasi sto anekdoto ( Little Toto? :lol:)

Here is a good one:

A man that has a pig for a pet, goes on holidays.
Outside of the hotel, the receptionist welcomes him, but looks angry at the pig:
-Pigs are not allowed on our hotel, you have to leave it back sir!
-But i can't, i love it like my child!!!
-Well you have to!
So the man, bittered, takes the pig in a forest about 3 miles away from the hotel.
The other day, in the morning, he finds the pig waiting him in the door of the hotel.
-What the F@#$?
Well this time i'm gonna take you in a place really far away from here!
So he takes the car, drives for an hour and leaves the pig about sixty miles away from the hotel!
The other day he finds the pig again waiting him at the door!
-How the hell...
Mad as he is, he takes the pig, and puts it on a ship's cargo that is leaving in ten minites for a trip in many islands.
As he waves goodbye to the pig says:''I'll never gonna see it again!''
The other morning finds nothing waiting him at the door.Neither the day after and the day after and the day after...But after a week, the pig welcomes him with a big smile again at the door of the hotel!
-:eek: :guh: :yow: !!!!!
So what he did to it then?
He send it overseas!!! :grin: :grin: :grin:
:bah: Hm, maybe it wasn't that good...:erk:

Well, listen to another one:

Anathema are coming for a gig in Greece, so the fans mad as they are :flame:, they're waiting for them in the airport with cheerings!
As the aeroplane arrives the croud gets mad:
The door of the aeroplane opens and...metallica come out!!!
-Ooouuuu!!!!!!! Fuck off!!!! Anathema,anathema,anathema!!!!!
A second aeroplane arrives so the croud gets fucking crazy, knowing that anathema are in it!
The door of the aeroplane opens and...U2 come out!!!
-What the hell!!! Who are these idiots??? ANATHEMA!!!!
The third aeroplane arrives and the fans, knowing that it's the last one get as close as they can, so they can see from near THE GODS.
-A_N_A_T_H_E_M_A !!!! A_N_A_T_H_E_M_A !!!!! A_N_A_T_H_E_M_A !!!!!

And who do you think that came out????????
Originally posted by Elmarad
THE PIG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek: :grin: :grin: :yow: :guh:

Haha!!!good joke,eh?sounds better in greek tho:rolleyes: :lol:

egw to xerw me ton Aspropoupoulo(ena hodropoulo pou katestrefe to spiti enos hwriati kai to soutare)
kai meta o Vakaros tha eferne tous Iron Maiden kai mia erhotan i Angela Dimitriou kai mia kati alla laikonia.haha!tin elliniki kafrila kai glafyrotita den tin ftanei kaneis hoho!!:p
do you know why you'll never see Porto Ricans in Star Trek?

- cause they'll still be unemployed even in the future
Originally posted by Elmarad
Somnium in tenebris, oraia i metafrasi sto anekdoto ( Little Toto? :lol:)

haha!thank yous!i know it sounds a bit cheesy,but still...i elliniki kafrila einai pou metraei!!!:lol: :lol: :lol:
Originally posted by mehdi.i.e.e.e
do you know why you'll never see Porto Ricans in Star Trek?

- cause they'll still be unemployed even in the future

Shit,Mehdi!that was racistic!!hahaahha*fell of her chair*Nice one,tho;)
Originally posted by somnium_in_tenebris

Haha!!!good joke,eh?sounds better in greek tho:rolleyes: :lol:

egw to xerw me ton Aspropoupoulo(ena hodropoulo pou katestrefe to spiti enos hwriati kai to soutare)
kai meta o Vakaros tha eferne tous Iron Maiden kai mia erhotan i Angela Dimitriou kai mia kati alla laikonia.haha!tin elliniki kafrila kai glafyrotita den tin ftanei kaneis hoho!!:p

Plaka-plaka pige 1 augoustou simera, prepei na pao na paro eisitiria gia anathema :p thelo na katevo kriti!!! Ksereis an exei ploia apo kalamata gia kriti???:confused: Tha eimai ekei gia diakopes :)
Originally posted by Elmarad

Plaka-plaka pige 1 augoustou simera, prepei na pao na paro eisitiria gia anathema :p thelo na katevo kriti!!! Ksereis an exei ploia apo kalamata gia kriti???:confused: Tha eimai ekei gia diakopes :)

Duh!hehe!ki egw ekei tha eimai;)
den xero re sy apo kalamata an ehei tipota,emeis tha pame boulouki(spastiki/imi-aparadekti ekfrasi)me ta paidia tou irc tou ellinikou kai filous kai ton D3vlin apo peiraia stis 16 tou minos me twn 10m.m. pou ftanei stis 5 to prwi.ela na mas joiniseis an telika den vreis apo kalamata:)kai gia otidipote steile mail gia na kanonisoume.cheers!
Originally posted by somnium_in_tenebris

Duh!hehe!ki egw ekei tha eimai;)
den xero re sy apo kalamata an ehei tipota,emeis tha pame boulouki(spastiki/imi-aparadekti ekfrasi)me ta paidia tou irc tou ellinikou kai filous kai ton D3vlin apo peiraia stis 16 tou minos me twn 10m.m. pou ftanei stis 5 to prwi.ela na mas joiniseis an telika den vreis apo kalamata:)kai gia otidipote steile mail gia na kanonisoume.cheers!

Ok thanks!!! Tha to exo ipopsi mou!!!:cool:
An den ertho mazi sas tha itan ganato na sinantithoume oloi kato stin kriti!!! Prepei na dosoume meeting-points! :spin:
a guy enters the pub and he looks pretty sad. so he gets something to drink and he noticed a woman sitting next to him who looks kinda sad too. so they start talking :

- hey are you okay?
- not really, me boyfriend dumped me today.
- hey, what a coincidence, my girlfriend dumped me today as well.
- oh really? why?
- ah, to be honest, she was kinda tired of my sexual tastes...
- what do you mean?
- errr...i like sick stuff.
- wow, exactly the same with me. my boyfriend dumped me because of this!

and after a few chats they decide to go at the girl's home to share their sick hobby. so the girl says 'okay i'll be back in 5 minutes' and she gets in her room. 5 minutes later she comes back with a whip, leather, spikes etc, but at this point the guy is leaving. the girl is like :

- hey why are you leaving so soon?
- oh i finished : i had a shit in your bag and i bumed your dog.
Originally posted by Elmarad

Ok thanks!!! Tha to exo ipopsi mou!!!:cool:
An den ertho mazi sas tha itan ganato na sinantithoume oloi kato stin kriti!!! Prepei na dosoume meeting-points! :spin:

um oki!whatever you do,it'll be nice to see you down there:)and of course we'll have meeting points;) msg me in me cellphone(i sent the number via private message)cheers!
Originally posted by somnium_in_tenebris

um oki!whatever you do,it'll be nice to see you down there:)and of course we'll have meeting points;) msg me in me cellphone(i sent the number via private message)cheers!

Ok :) sou apantisa kai ego me private msg ,hope to see you all on Crete :D ! Cheers!
[01:00:23] <D3vGreek> We will travel with a lot of people from Piraeus to Crete to the festival :)
[01:02:02] <danny1> the crete gig got cancelled
[01:02:04] <D3vGreek> no way
[01:02:15] <danny1> way
[01:02:27] <D3vGreek> :(
[01:02:48] <danny1> just joking