The snare drum and drumagog??


Contagious Destruction
Dec 31, 2006
I seem to cant ever get a recorded snare to trigger good in drumagog?? Its either to sensitive or not sensitive enough??
I tried blending it and just getting it to trigger on harder hits but that dont always seem to work the way i want it?? I even tried using a trigger on the drum and that helped but it still wasnt right

what should i try?? another program (aptrigga?)

Thanks guys
Try a really heavy compression. HUGE ratio, big threshold, a lot of make-up gain. Set the attack so you get a sort of POP noise instead of a typical snare drum sound. The objective here isn't to get a nice drum sound but an obvious transient that drumagog will recognize.
Try a gate before the compressor aswell to filter out anything that isn't snare drum.