The song which never gets mentioned


Aint my Bitch!
My second favorite song by 54, Parasitic ( First is Embrace ).

My favorite part is the last couple of minutes, the outro, begining with some awesome harmonies, then breaking into a short burst on the piano, and then incomes the power chord struck by the guitar... and the combination of instruments from total different preffered genre's is orgasmic. Works so well!. Then we hear a little tasteful melodic solo, before we go into a crunching area of sexy rythem - That last little part sends shivers down my spin... even though there is nothing much going on in the last 30 seconds of music, it just works so well, and I love it! - It's hard to describe the part I mean... lol - You know the section JUST before the last few notes on the piano are played.

I also love Missing Time, it's great to bop along to when I am walking up to college. My dream is to one day play a three part harmony with these guys - That would be cool

God DAMN! - It's great!

Oh, and I am busy working out embrace on the guitar! :D

Does anyone know whether or not 54 use just a 'Dropped D' tuning, or is the whole guitar tuned down? - Because if it is just a dropped E to D, then Lakis must have 23 or more Frets on his guitar. The little tapping solo goes up to fret 23 on one of the last taps!

Parasitic it certainly under-rated, i agree! But then... its hard when there aint a bad track on the album, IMO.

Personally, i dont think 13 Shades gets the reckognition it deserves, bloody amazing.

And looking in a broader horizon... The Last Embrace i rate as highly as Maidens Hallowed Be Thy Name.. and if you knew how much i love that song :eek:
oh yay!!! parasitic is AWESOMEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!

i was lucky enough to see it live ( and time takes ) when i saw them the first time... back then it was Adrian..... although id rather have stevio any day!!!!!!!!

and boy it was awesome!!!!!!!!!
one day no doubt it shall appear on the track list when a pianist is available but no matter what - it will always be there in its glory on the cd!!!!!!!!!!!!
i love the line - 'Raising my fist , i draw back my hand....' infact the whole song is great cuz it really rings true- just like so many of their lyrics....

Hoorah for 54....

As for missing time-!! awesome- and it was nice to hear them play it at the Slough Gig in october!
Hey, I was at that gig too MG - t'was indeed most excellent when they played it!!! I remember seeing you at the front going ape shit too!!! :)

Neil - I know EXACTLY what you are on about in Parasitic, that song has the same spine-tingling effect on me at exactly the same point - respec' sir!!! I'm sooooo looking forward to when they play it live again... :)
My fave song has to be,.. Last Embrace, just cos the lyrics, hit me personally!!
but i have another fave LIVING A LIE!! raaahh that song ROCKS!! and so does Mr K's voice on that!! his voice rocks anyway! but more so on that song!! soo nice ;)

:loco: heheh i like that one!! hmmm!! i fear Madgirl's general madness maybe contagious, and im slowly catching it!!