the sony oxford limiter/inflater is truely amazing (audio clip inside!)


May 3, 2004
im testing these two plugs out and i have to say i cant believe i got by with the waves l3 this whole time
"sony oxford vs waves l3 (oxford then waves)"

in the oxford vs l3 test here (oxford first, then waves) check out the difference, notice how the overheads sound shitty and ear piercing, and the snare does not cut through anymore and sounds hollow. the mix as a whole just sounds more compressed and harsh in the high end and lacking low end thump. this is most noticible in the bass drop near the beginning

i made this by switching out the waves l3 for the sony inflator/limiter on my master bus for a mix im working on, no other changes at all. another notable thing, the mix is actually .1 db RMS louder in the oxford version
Yeah, the Sonnox stuff is really a breath of fresh 'AiR', eh? :saint:

I kid, I kid. I just find it funny how many threads are appearing about the Sonnox stuff all within a few days on almost all the forums I frequent.