The Sum is 0

Bush Whacker

New Metal Member
Remember this on November 2, 2004:

Currently, rumors are abound that the draft may be re-instated under the guise of the Universal National Service Act. Of course, with the election so close, nobody from the Bush Administration or the Kerry campaign is saying anything about re-activating the draft to finish the war in Iraq which, to date has claimed more than 1,163 lives (1028 Americans are now dead and 7026 are wounded).

The number of days, combined, that George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, John Ashcroft and Paul Wolfowitz served in Vietnam:


The number of people - including George W. Bush - who can definitively say where George W. Bush was during the 6-month gap in 1972 when G.W. was supposed to be serving in the Texas Air National Guard:


0 + 0 = 0

Number of student deferments (category 2-S, according to the Selective Service System) used by Dick Cheney, dated March 20, 1963; July 23, 1963; October 14, 1964; and November 1, 1965 (according to Selective Service System records):


Number of deferments used by Dick Cheney for family hardship (category 3-A, dated January 19, 1966)


This deferment came as the Cheneys were expecting their first child, Elizabeth who was born on July 28th, 1966. It should be noted that her birth occured 9 months and 2 days after a change in government policy that made childless married men more likely to be drafted.

Number of times Cheney was given 1-A status by the Selective Service System (a condition meaning he was able to serve, dated February 15, 1962 and May 19, 1965):


Dick Cheney was quoted in 1989 during his Senate confirmation hearings for his nomination to lead the Pentagon that he "would have obviously been happy to serve" had he been called. Cheney has also been quoted during that time:

"I had other priorities in the '60s than military service."

Dick Cheney turned 26 on January 30, 1967. This age removed him from the draft pool for good while the war in Vietnam - which claimed over 58,000 American lives - raged on.

It should also be noted that George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, John Ashcroft and Paul Wolfowitz have all been quoted as being in favor of the war in Vietnam. :confused:

Remember all this in November, especially if you're between the ages of 18-26 or you know someone that is. Apparently, these men certainly have no reservation about sending somebody else's kids off to die in a war against a country that has never attacked the U.S. while the people who have attacked us have been allowed to go free thanks to this nice little detour in the War on Terror.

Sources: Los Angeles Times. Thursday September 16, 2004. Pg. A19 Cheney's Draft Deferments Not Outside The Norm
Cryptkeeper said:
4 More Years!!!

I just noticed you're not old enough to vote (your birthdate is in 1989). You will be during the next election, though. Of course, you won't be able to vote for your boy, W. in 2008 as he will have exceeded the number of terms that one can serve as president.

For your sake, I hope that the draft is not re-instated and you get shipped off to a foreign land to fight in a war that you may not agree with. Keep your grades up and you'll qualify for those same student deferments that kept Cheney out of serving. :loco:
Bush Whacker said:
I just noticed you're not old enough to vote (your birthdate is in 1989). You will be during the next election, though. Of course, you won't be able to vote for your boy, W. in 2008 as he will have exceeded the number of terms that one can serve as president.

For your sake, I hope that the draft is not re-instated and you get shipped off to a foreign land to fight in a war that you may not agree with. Keep your grades up and you'll qualify for those same student deferments that kept Cheney out of serving. :loco:
I have no problem whatsoever fighting a war defending the country that I love.

Cryptkeeper said:
Iraq was an impending threat. Saddam was a supprorter of terrorism and you cannot tell me the world would be a safer place with him in power?

Hans Blix, the head of the UN inspection team that was looking for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, stated in January of 2003 that there were no weapons of mass destruction.

Even Colin Powell and Condoleeza Rice made this same statement back in the spring of 2001.
Cryptkeeper said:
Iraq was an impending threat. Saddam was a supprorter of terrorism and you cannot tell me the world would be a safer place with him in power?

Do you honestly feel safer? Because i bloody dont and nor do most people...:err:
Crypt keeper fails to realize that the Us funded lots of terrorists including Osma Bin Laden to fight the Soviets and the Ira killing lots of British people and N.Irish. Saddam was evil but then so is George 'dubya' Bush. I think that the crypt keeper likes tough talking people that are too cowardly to fight wars but are more than happy to let other people do it for him. You are too young and immature to realize the full cost of war.

Cryptkeeper said:
I have no problem whatsoever fighting a war defending the country that I love.


I would vote for the man above to defend the country I love as well!
I was in Iraq. Cryptkeeper, you have no idea what's going on, or what defending your country is all about. What's even harder is having to do it when you disagree with it. I hate this fucking war, and I'm getting out. Dubya can die for all I care. Fuck him and his cabinet.

Hey thrash, perhaps you'd be interested in illuminating the situation for those who don't believe that we're currently losing ground in this diversion from the War on Terrorism and telling those like Cryptkeeper exactly what is going on there.

Trust me, I have no love for Saddam or bin Laden (and they had no love for each other, either), but I would have no problem with having gone to Afghanistan in the hunt for bin Laden (who's still free, BTW), had the Secretary of Defense allowed me to re-enlist like I tried to do in February of 2003.
Tye said:
Crypt keeper fails to realize that the Us funded lots of terrorists including Osma Bin Laden to fight the Soviets and the Ira killing lots of British people and N.Irish. Saddam was evil but then so is George 'dubya' Bush. I think that the crypt keeper likes tough talking people that are too cowardly to fight wars but are more than happy to let other people do it for him. You are too young and immature to realize the full cost of war.
Here we go again, another person calling me immature because of my age! I suppose you think whatever you say is true, and who ever says anything that goes against your views is wrong. And, no, I don't enjoy tough talking to other people, and I would fight a war to defend this country. You Bush haters love to resort to cheap shots. "I'm only 15, I must be immature and not know shit about politics!" And I do understand the full cost of war. And George W. Bush is NOT evil, and I do feel safe with him as the President.
Well, when your friend dies and your other friend gets his leg blown off, while you sit and wait for the next mortar round to impact your tent because that's all you can do, due to NO bunkers and NO protection whatsoever, then we'll discuss this on another level. There's nothing like the sound of rockets impacting all around you while you sit and wait for the next one to hit you. You're just a sitting duck because you're expendable. I will defend my country and the countries of my allies, but not a country whose people hate our guts based on their stupid religious feelings. You don't want us there? Fine. We'll take our toys and go home, because we never should've been there after the fall of Saddam in the first place. You want your own country? Then run your own country and stop making the rest of the world your fucking scapegoat.