The Superior 2.0 Thread


Team Omega
Jul 11, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
So i guess a decent amount of people have gotten it by now and had a chance to spend some time with it. I got mine last night. Here are my first impressions:

- In general it definitely sounds great, and a lot more like a real drum performance. The new interface is great. Ridiculous amount of options.

- Toms and snare sound infintely better. I can't say i was blown away by the kicks. I really wish they had some wood beaters in there. I loved the sonor kick in superior with the wood beater.

- I can't say i really like the hats. There are more articulations, which are awesome, but i definitely like the ones in superior 1 better for metal. It may just be because i haven't spent enough time with it.

- It's clear that they were aiming for 2.0 to be aimed at a larger audience, and to be able to do lots of different styles, and in that respects they definitely succeeded. I'm not completely convinced i'm not going to go back to some of the superior sounds. But i can still use the new interface with the old sounds, which is a huge improvement. The avatar kit can definitely 'do metal', but maybe not all styles of it.

- Minor issue, but the default keyboard mapping is absurd. You can make your own, so it's not a huge issue... i just don't see the logic behind why they decided on what it is.

- The program runs really smoothly... just as smooth, if not smoother that superior 1. It did crash my session once (after spending a while redoing the drums for a song and not saving :erk:), but that seemed like a one off thing.
Demand Sticky!

Or I will fondle the genitals of a maimed wombat with a pair of pliers in a most inhumane and inappropriate way among the general public while naked, painted, orange with latex house paint, inebriated and wearing a black and yellow Stryper Edition banana hammock. And if your 'sticky'ing isn't done swiftly, I will be forced to do something unscrupulous...

Or not.

Can I post that? That has to be a crime of some sort.
They haven't released the old superior kits and stuff yet for people who didn't own the original dfhs have they? I remember seeing months ago on toontrack's forum that they were planning too, but don't know whats going on with that.
Can anyone point me in the direction of how to make a Cubase sx3 drum map for SD2? i googled it and did come up with anything really helpful. im gonna keep messing around with it between checking back here. ill share it once i get it made if people want it.
btw, Superior Drummer 2.0 is amazing, and ive barely scratched the surface.
Link takes me to the main esnips page, no file here. There is, however, a Cubase drum map on the Toontrack site.

Link fixed.

Yep, there's one there now. That would have been nice to have a few days ago. I hate programming drum maps.
I'm not sure if I've skipped over some detail or whatnot, but does Superior 2.0 allow you to also use the sounds from the original Drumkit From Hell Superior? I keep hearing about how the cymbals and sounds in DFH Superior 2 are kind of iffy and the are not that great. I have the original and have been totally satisfied with it, but was thinking of doing the upgrade and wondering if I should just stick with the original and keep rocking out.
I think its awesome. I dont use the kick sounds though. Snares are THE shit. I got pure Black Album snare sounds going on

Cymbals are what I really dont like. No big fat massive crashes, no splashes, nasty chinas and I don't like any of the rides for metal stuff....apart from the one thats on the left but I dont want the ride on the left of the mix :mad: (i'm mixing in drummer perspective)......unless I'm being slow I didn't see the option to pan cymbals?

When they bring out some expantion packs for cymbals etc THEN it will rule completely
I'm not sure if I've skipped over some detail or whatnot, but does Superior 2.0 allow you to also use the sounds from the original Drumkit From Hell Superior?

Yes. :headbang:

I also find the new plugin easier to work with. I used to bounce DFHS to disk and then import all the wave files and add effects. Now I can do that right in the plugin and it's a lighter load on the computer.
That is sweet. Thats what I originally thought they stated before it came out, but I guess I was side tracked by people using Superior 2.0 and not saying if they blended the original with 2.0. Its looking like I may have to invest in this after all. But, I still love the original.:headbang:
That is sweet. Thats what I originally thought they stated before it came out, but I guess I was side tracked by people using Superior 2.0 and not saying if they blended the original with 2.0. Its looking like I may have to invest in this after all. But, I still love the original.:headbang:

after spending some time with 2, i'm much much much happier with it... i still like the kick from superior 1, but that is the only thing i've been using that isn't in 2. once i got my head around the x-drums and the internal routing and fx i've been getting much better results.
I'm pissed because I can't seem to get the room sound that I've got in my head. I either get the drums sounding far away, or really close up with no ambiance. I want them to sound rich but not far back in the mix. I really like the Pat Thrall samples on the Superior 2.0 webpage, but I haven't gotten remotely close to the room sound on that sample. I think it's the Still The Night sample. ARRGH!!!
I'm absolutely loving it now that I've toyed with it a bit more. I'm using the 13" splash from S2.0 combined with two splashes from DFHS via X-Pads (the multi-splashes thing is so fucking cool to have now!), the Powerbell ride from DFHS, and one of the crashes from 'crash 4' in DFHS. Replace the kick almost 100% afterthefact, but the snares and toms are puuurfect! Not to mention the entire thing just sounds more real and human-like, for some reason. I'm convinced that the acoustic drums in DFHS were mic'd up in a very unconventional manner - it works for Meshuggah, I guess, but it took a lot of tweaking for many other styles.
I got pure Black Album snare sounds going on

That's a pretty big claim. Please post some samples.

*edit* You can certainly get the Black Album snare with the Steven Slate sample set, but in superior 2.0? Hmm, I'd really love to hear it. & for you to share some details on how you got it.
That's a pretty big claim. Please post some samples.

*edit* You can certainly get the Black Album snare with the Steven Slate sample set, but in superior 2.0? Hmm, I'd really love to hear it. & for you to share some details on how you got it.

I'm not saying it's 'Black Album'-esque, and I definitely wasn't going for that vibe, but I used the Black Beauty snare (absolutely love that thing) in the clip in this thread:
One simple question:
How high do you keep your velocities? I mean, I always thought of 127 beeing the absolute maximum. I mean, 5 127-hits on the snare and BAM - new skin please.
So I programmed with a max of 120 (spikes into the 125-127 region).

In S2.0 it seems that I need to change every single hit to 127 to get the crack out of the snare-sound.

I mean, not that I could break anything - I just wonder if there is something wrong with my snare treatment or if it's normal in DFHS2.