The tattoo-thread

Like the Entombed album, or your own idea?

no, not like the album, i live in the bible-belt
and it was just a kind of anti-christian thing
when i was in highschool, i had to learn roman numerals twice
once in History Class (roman numerals is an obsolete math sytem because there's no concept of Zero)

once in Math Class (actually learning how to do math in roman numerals, because it's a whole different skill because it has no Zero-as-place-holder)

i got frustrated with Christianity, (as i have already talked about in lots of ultimatemetal threads about religion) so when i decided to get tattoos, i thought that having a horrendously sacrilegious tattoo on the back of my hand would get me laid in Gothic clubs, and i remembered how to read roman numerals and i thought that having 6 hundred and sixty six written in roman numerals would look a lot more bad-ass than just "666" which had already been tattooed onto each of all my friends

i didn't even know D C L X V I was a 1997 album until a few days after i'd gotten the tattoo
:tickled: Did it work?

yes, actually

i didn't even know who the hell greenlantern was till the creation of Kyle Rayner
and i wanted to get a Kyle Rayner tattoo (like lettering in the tattoo that actually says "Kyle" or "Rayner" so that the person seeing the tat would know it's not Hal Jordan that i pay attention to

but now i'm thinking i don't really want to get a GL tat anymore because of the whole DCU getting re-booted thing, 10 years from now the 15-20-year-olds looking at a GL tattoo won't have any idea who the fuck Kyle Rayner is

love spiderman, but only 616, i'd already given up trying to continue reading the ultimate universe's spiderman even before they killed peter freaking parker
having peter dead and having some other kid put on the spiderman costume was a horrible gimick to sell more ultimate universe titles

been waiting since the "ultimatum wave" to get a tattoo that has the words "Earth 616" in it, but i don't want just the phrase by itself, i want spiderman totally filling up my back but i'm just waiting for money to get this pic filling up my entire back, here's the spiderman pic i want filling up my back

Outstanding quality, that's one great artist you've got there! Really good portrait.

Thank you! my next post will be when its 100% finished.
On a side note, this forum is very quiet theses last years uh? Old school people like Allfader, Elvina, Agah, Defiance, are all gone? you are the only one that's here nowadays, I miss the old days :\ (old for me, you are here a lot longer than me haha)
Allfader was in not too long ago, other than that I think most people have moved over to the Facebook group instead. There's daily activity over there, which is probably why things have quieted down in here. I try to post in here when something band relevant shows up, but mostly it's just joking around and off topic discussions going on there - for instance I just came back from a short trip to Oslo, where I visited Neseblod, Euronymous' old record store, and picked up Cosmic Genesis and The Focusing Blur on cardboard sleeve promo's.