The thing you like the most about Beseech:


untruly evil
Dec 19, 2002
For me.. i love the lyrical concept that Beseech uses. It has lot of feeling, specially on the last album.

Another thing that i like its the "some-kind-depresive" music. Really good and true music.

oh... another thing. Do you consider Beseech as a Doom metal band?
Well after beeing a Beseech fan for to many years and been to way to many conserts what can you like most about em?

The way they have grown is one thing I like alot, they all know what the others limits are and they know OK this fella has a bad day so I have to give abit extra and as a listener you dint even notice that someone is haveing a bad day and they all know humm his mind is somewhere else I have to remind him to keem his mind focused. This is something that is fun to see who they have grown from a fun to listen to band just becuse you liked some of thatre songs to a Very good performing band that you nowadays know will rock when they get on stage, this is also a fun experiance.

But to say ONE thing that I like the most?

Well thats an easy one After seeing thise guys 5 times live 4 of thise times yelling MOONRIDE! but they never played it, then Robert asked me on ICQ 'What song you wanna hear the most?' And ofcurse I say 'Moonride' then when playing in my Hometown and after talking to a few fo them before they got on stage so they know I was there they for one and only time play the song I wanna hear live MOONRIDE.

Now what can beat that youre favorite band playing the song you wanna hear live by them the most, a song they never played live before and probobly never will again and they played it becuse YOU wanna hear it.

A band that is that down to earth and friendly you just cant do anything but love!
i like that each song has something special with it. Listen to their first album "...from a bleeding heart" , no BIG hits but every song has something that you want to hear.