The 'this album is blowing me away on first listen' thread!


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002


Have to admit, after starting with the majestic Death's Design, I was a bit disappointed with Ravendusk in my Heart...only heard it once though, so I can't list it in this thread anyway. But Nightwork is shaping up to be a worthy addition to the DM catalog.

Still unopened: Phantom Lodge....

A Perfect Circle - Mer de Noms
Tool - Lateralus
These two I almost had to pull over on the side of the road, I was driving the first listening and damn near lost it in emotional rapture. The APC's charm faded a bit, but that Tool lives on as one of my favorite CDs.

Danzig 4p
Duh. :D Coming up on 10 years now and it still gives me the chills, just like the first time I heard it.

Katatonia - Last Fair Deal Gone Down
The excitement has waned a bit since the first listen, but I was blown away the first time.

Nile - In These Darkened Shrines
Slayer - Seasons in the Abyss
These two have always gotten me AMPED from day one, in a sort of similar way.
Esoteric blew me away on first listen. All of the band's releases are so damn suffocating. npearce, knowing your penchant for the odd, doom, crushing, noisy bands, you'll probably enjoy Esoteric.
npearce would kill for Esoteric!!!!!! Pelican is cool by the way npearce thanks for recommending. Also the album that came to me when I read this title was:

Ulver - Bergtatt

accessible and intriguing each time you listen.
Bergtatt is another one, but it become o-so-much more kickass at around the 40th listen mark. :)

Sunn 0))) - White1 gets better every time I hear it, blew me away the first time.
OK I thought this thread was going to be used for bumping as and when we're listening to something new for the first time, but this works! :D

INTO ETERNITY - Buried in Oblivion

Everything I was hoping for. 2004 is going to rule, I can feel it in my boner.
npearce, The End should have Metamorphogenesis, Esoteric's latest album.

THe first two are a bit harder to find, especially the first one.
Erik told me about Esoteric, and he was right on. They are quite the band. Very extreme in every way and down right scary at times.
markgugs said:
Hey! Since my post in the other thread until now (about 3 minutes), I managed to find my copy of Bergtatt! Hooray!, it's good and stuff?
:lol: We all live in a world where the 'owning' part outweighs the importance of the 'listening' part, heh.
Bergtatt is so god damn good it's not even funny. Best I can tell it's universally loved 'round this forum. Another one steps into the snare... let's see if he takes the bait!
just listened to Steve Von Till's second album for the first time. For those that don't know, Von Till is a vocalist/guitarist in Neurosis. The album is very minimalistic, only using fiddles, acoustic guitars, cello, etc. No electric instruments and no drums. good stuff.