The 'this album is blowing me away on first listen' thread!

I obviously think Yes is by far the better band... but you can't really compare the two. DT is know more for technicality/soloing, while Yes generally constructs complex arragements where the whole band contributes equally. Plus, Yes and Genesis are the main reasons DT is even around today. I still like DT a bit though, just as long as they aren't compared too much to the greats.
Yes is headlining of course. It is obvious that Dream Theater is heavily influenced by bands like Yes, and Rush... but their influence branch out very far, even (as much as I hate to say it) bands like Metallica. I believe they will be very well recieved as an opener for Yes.
I'm also seeing that tour two Saturdays from now...Yes should be amazing, and while I'm in the process of weaning myself off Dream Theater, they usually put on entertaining shows and always put surprises in their sets.
And that version of Perpetual Change on Yessongs is indeed godly. Bill Bruford > all other drummers.