The "This Subforum Sucks" thread

On a side note, I have the coolest assignment ever.

I get to design my own hell, decide the kind of people that go there, and they're punishment for eternity, all in preparation for reading The Inferno. :)

man, that's pretty awesome. I'd make it easy on myself and say, "Everybody goes to Hell except for myself and a nice harem of women." :rock:
I don't mind the new subforum. What I do mind, though, is when people get all bent out of shape and pissed off that not everyone wants to talk about metal 100% of the time.

The purpose of communities like this, as I understand it, is to allow people with a common interest to interact with one another, not to talk about only that common interest.
This subforum is about to get really awesome, and that's because I'm posting right now. :kickass: