Movies subforum


Pillock of society
Apr 16, 2001
Now that is no longer (well that's been the case for a while), I was wondering if there was any chance of a movies subforum under MD. For some strange reason I prefer talking about movies with you lot than anyone else, so I reckon it'd rock. That way we could have more movie threads than we currently do, for people wouldn't feel like they were making too many movie-related threads.

Any thoughts, peeps?
We could tell people like that what we thought of them, which would hopefully result in their departure. :)
Hehehe :) As long as everyone respects everyone else's opinions then all should be ok....
I think Mark owns the domain now, so it's up to him. :) I got kinda bored with it - I like coming up with the ideas and then letting someone else look after em. Also, I don't like talking about movies nearly as much as I did five or ten years ago.
Sydo said:
I like sitting in the dark and watching.. :Smokedev:

Damn it, I knew there was someone else in the room the other night. I trust you enjoyed the performance.
Yeah he did, I had to keep putting my hand over his mouth to keep him quiet so he wouldn't disturb you two. Blitzy was so disappointed with our behaviour that he said he is never taking us anywhere again.
Sin city is one the best movies ever.

If you don't enjoy the plots, you will enjoy how fucking awesomely stylised it is.

oh, and land of the dead was awesome, you are fuckign gay ceydn.
Yeah, Sin City was pretty impressive although I'm not much of a fan of that genre of film, to be honest. From a technical point of view, it's really impressive how they did the effects to get the feel and style of the film, as Koich said :)