Our numbers of anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers seems low, but they are vocal. The silliest thing about the anti-vaxxers is that it's not compulsory to get the needle, the government isn't tying us down and forcing the needle into our arm, yet the way the anti-vaxxers complain you'd think that was exactly what was happening.
The other funny thing we saw happen here was that for about 9-10 months last year Victoria (my state) was in lockdown. Between stage 4 where everything was shut to stage 2 which was most people work from home, most shops open, takeaway only. But for the entire time masks were compulsory when we left home, it was only about a month ago masks stopped being required in shops. Of course the media focused on the anti-maskers and made every day stories of them, so the rest of the country who were not ordered to wear masks went bat shit crazy on Melbourne. Every other state had people saying shit like, "just wear a fucking mask you losers", "small price to pay," etc etc. Then fast forward to December when the other states started getting a few small outbreak and their Premiers started to mandate mask wearing and lockdowns half the wankers screaming at Victoria sudden started to make excuses why they shouldn't have to wear masks.
But the best one was the Sydney Suburb that spent 3 weeks at stage 3 lockdowns (supermarkets open, hardware stores open, take away, work from home and 3 hours a day outside exercise). 2 weeks into the lockdown they are screaming to be let out and the mayor of the suburb is on TV saying the residents earned it because they have lived through such traumatic times and done it so hard for the 2 and a half weeks they had restrictions. 9 fucking months were were locked down with at least 6 of them hard lockdown and these rich bitches struggled with 2 fucking weeks! Of course the first day restrictions were eased there was 35,000 of them at the fucking beach!