Yeah I was reading that on FB a few minutes ago. I don't know anything about what he's got and how dangerous it is but I wish him all the best in fighting and beating it.
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Yeah maybe someone pointed out their mistake to them. BW not having comments turned on gives them plenty of chance to make mistakes and not get abused for it. I've noticed plenty of mistakes that get changed, whereas on Blabber whether they get changed or not there is always comments about the mistakes.
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I don't read them either but Blabber seem to want to put them out there every day, and they seem to be the only ones doing it. Blabber have a really bad habit of taking one line and making articles about it. We've all seen articles based on single comments from a person in an interview three or four months previous. For all I know that's what they are doing with Ted (not that I don't still think he's a nut job). Blabber is little more than tabloid journalism these days.
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Yeah it doesn't really matter what Ted says now he's not saying anything new. But I suppose some credit has to be given to Blabber for their efforts in redressing the same tired horse every day and presenting it as something new.

As sad as Ted is I'm also noticing a lot more people at the opposite end of the argument becoming more vocal. We have so many people in this country who think the worst and then voice their opinions as if they are fact. From the idea that everyone will suffer long term effect of the virus and in 10 years we'll all have it, to those who claim the vaccines will all cause us blood clots, even the fools who hear something like 'covid fragments appearing in waste water' and they scream that the entire city needs to be locked down. Those people are nearly as annoying as the Ted's of this world.
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It's kind of strange how things turn though. America (from the outside looking in) really seemed to botch the whole virus thing with massive numbers of infected etc, where as Australia seemed to get it closer to right, well all accept Melbourne where they fucked it up big time. Now along comes the vaccines everyone is waiting for and America are vaccinating millions whereas Australia has barely vaccinated a million. And now with the suggestion under 50's should have Pfizer instead of AZ it's even more screwed because we don't have the number of Pfizers we need to replace AZ. The current estimate is that we'll be lucky to see all Aussies have their first jab by the end of the year.

Not that I give too much of a shit about overseas travel at the moment but it seems like most people here who are desperate for the vax, any vax as long as it says vax on the needle, are doing it because they want borders to reopen. Seems to me that while the tourism sector once employed 1 in 8 Aussies and many are out of work, there is still more important things to worry about than whether we can go to Bali.
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Haha, it’s true. It was a complete mess. This is a direct result of change in leadership.

And you can see the proof. Because, well we’ve still got Michigan lol. The state that absolutely refused to wear masks. Who backed what Trump said about it to the bone. They protested with guns, with no masks. Held all their events and gatherings instead of stopping them or even social distancing. Never really closed much down Even planning the kidnapping and murder of the governor. And sent all sorts of death threats.
It’s a liberal scam blah blah blah.
Now they are overrun with it and begging for doses.

Meanwhile the states that didn’t listen to Trump have a much better handle on things and it would be even better if places like Michigan and Florida didn’t keep fucking things up. Don’t get me started on North Dakota or Georgia’s governor. Again big supporters of the former leadership.

The majority of the citizens of those states aren't that dumb. But there's minority that really is crazy and the their governors are awful.
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Our numbers of anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers seems low, but they are vocal. The silliest thing about the anti-vaxxers is that it's not compulsory to get the needle, the government isn't tying us down and forcing the needle into our arm, yet the way the anti-vaxxers complain you'd think that was exactly what was happening.

The other funny thing we saw happen here was that for about 9-10 months last year Victoria (my state) was in lockdown. Between stage 4 where everything was shut to stage 2 which was most people work from home, most shops open, takeaway only. But for the entire time masks were compulsory when we left home, it was only about a month ago masks stopped being required in shops. Of course the media focused on the anti-maskers and made every day stories of them, so the rest of the country who were not ordered to wear masks went bat shit crazy on Melbourne. Every other state had people saying shit like, "just wear a fucking mask you losers", "small price to pay," etc etc. Then fast forward to December when the other states started getting a few small outbreak and their Premiers started to mandate mask wearing and lockdowns half the wankers screaming at Victoria sudden started to make excuses why they shouldn't have to wear masks.

But the best one was the Sydney Suburb that spent 3 weeks at stage 3 lockdowns (supermarkets open, hardware stores open, take away, work from home and 3 hours a day outside exercise). 2 weeks into the lockdown they are screaming to be let out and the mayor of the suburb is on TV saying the residents earned it because they have lived through such traumatic times and done it so hard for the 2 and a half weeks they had restrictions. 9 fucking months were were locked down with at least 6 of them hard lockdown and these rich bitches struggled with 2 fucking weeks! Of course the first day restrictions were eased there was 35,000 of them at the fucking beach!
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Sydney people are the most arrogant and self important wankers around, but up in the affluent suburbs they are a kind of special all to themselves.
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