Interested to know.....


Riotusly Extreme!
Jul 9, 2001
North Wales
Just interested to know who everyone favorite drummers are!!

I know theres loads of really good drummers in extreme metal (they are the back bone after all!), but who do you rate?

Mine would have to be (in no order...)

Gene Hoglan
Nick Barker
& of course the first true extreme drummer....Dave Lombardo.
I don´t have a favorite drummer because there so many good drummers in the metal scene but here´s my list:

° Dave Lombardo
° Gene Hoglan
° Pete Sandoval
° Hellhammer
Dave Lombardo
Martin Lopez
Ole Öhman
Paul Bostaph
Pete Sandoval
Van Williams (Nevermore)
Emperor Proscritpor Magikus McGovern (Absu)
Mike Portnoy
Mark Zonder (Fates Warning)
Gene Hoglan
Peter Widoer (Darkane)
Nicko McBrain
Bill Ward
Adrian Erlandsson
Daniel Erlandsson (Arch Enemy)
Flo Mounier (Cryptopsy)
Dennis The Menace (Macabre)
Dave Lombardo

And Grip Inc. is in my top 3 favorite metal bands, with Hostage to Heaven my all-time favorite metal song (Opeth-Funeral Portrait in dead heat)
pete sandoval
guy from defleshed/new dark funeral..can't think of his name
gene hoglan
richard christy (death, control denied, new iced earth, but i'd be embarrassed to be on that)
jensen from the haunted
soilwork drummer...
nick barker is good...lots of guys...
cant think of his name right now but one of the best without a doubt is the Melvins drummer. i also like Mindrots drummer, the drummer from Ved Buens Ende, Candiria, just about everyone that has already been named and the drum machine for Mortician Enemy Soil etc...... :-)
Favourite drummers, in order:

1) Hellhammer- I utterly worship this guy (and it's a cool name!)
2) John Douglas (Anathema)- he's not flashy, but he's got a cool style.
3) Shaun Steels (MDB)- wasn't overly stunned by his work with Anathema, but with MDB he just kills!! The space he gives to everything, keeping it slow while never getting boring, he really adds a dimension to the music (and I love his cymbol work).
4) Gene Hoglan- he should be at number one, it's just been ages since I heard him do something at the complexity level of Death. IMHO the best technical player in metal of the last few years.
5) the guy on the new Ulver CD.... oh wait, that's a drum machine............