the tourettes thread

Hello guys!! I'm from Italy, and I'd like to post here a link to a song of my band; Blu Infinito, extreme melodic metal from
Cagliari (Sardinia) influenced by Opeth, Katatonia, Novembre, Eucharist.. Download that song and please leave your comments
and impressions here!! This is the link:
Our cd is available for 5 euros if your are from
Europe and 6 if you are from the rest of the world (both prices including shipping costs), available PAYPAL service! For any info contact me at this address: or visit our webpage at

P.S. Sorry if it is spam!
I will get level up in catcooking, cuz my parents are outdoors 2 days at this moment and they will be here 2 days later.I have all I need, but I want ask you for extremal situation, if you have expirience in it.In additional i have leather boots.Tell me anything about catcooking and you'll be rewarded THERE. :worship: :D
I must admit I've tried. Once. Got as far as covering it with ketchup and cheese and putting it in the oven before I was caught. That girl didn't want to see me again after that.
Do you really think you are clever fellows??I fuck you all.You write here all this shit and think you may fuck off my thread."just fuck da fuck off kunt!"-you think it is cool?Translate this:пошёл на хуй, сраный буржуев пидор!Твоя мама отсосет у меня , когда я приду к ней!В этом хуеве языке нет всех слов , что я бы тебе ответил.Try retranslate this into english."theyre probably out hunting cats in the snow"-yes, it is so funny...such all replies on this highintellectual forum.Can you speak about something serious or jokes for superintellectual monkeys are all you can do.I just wrote here that you want to see.You saw me and it all I want to get.My eNGLISH is not ideal, but I'll get up it.Try to do the same with Russian.It will takes next 10-*(maybe)years.
If you post stupid threads here , what do you wish to see ?It's too brave to discuss my eng, but can anybody post here really interesting thing to talk about??You may get it like harsh or compliment, I said the truth(there is no truth in this world, but it doesn't matter)....Zupi, it seems to me you think you so clever(there are no clever people too).If you think you are, you may try to discuss with me about anything.Good luck!It will be funny:russian "antigrammar" against ....english Zupi,who can't say anything exept "just fuck da fuck off kunt!", in english.It seems to me you'll answer that again.Just say you are really retard.
You may laugh at this reply,remember:I fuck you all,if you're against me! :D
amusing Death:)( said:
Do you really think you are clever fellows??I fuck you all.You write here all this shit and think you may fuck off my thread."just fuck da fuck off kunt!"-you think it is cool?Translate this:????? ?? ???, ?????? ??????? ?????!???? ???? ??????? ? ???? , ????? ? ????? ? ???!? ???? ????? ????? ??? ???? ???? , ??? ? ?? ???? ???????.Try retranslate this into english."theyre probably out hunting cats in the snow"-yes, it is so funny...such all replies on this highintellectual forum.Can you speak about something serious or jokes for superintellectual monkeys are all you can do.I just wrote here that you want to see.You saw me and it all I want to get.My eNGLISH is not ideal, but I'll get up it.Try to do the same with Russian.It will takes next 10-*(maybe)years.
If you post stupid threads here , what do you wish to see ?It's too brave to discuss my eng, but can anybody post here really interesting thing to talk about??You may get it like harsh or compliment, I said the truth(there is no truth in this world, but it doesn't matter)....Zupi, it seems to me you think you so clever(there are no clever people too).If you think you are, you may try to discuss with me about anything.Good luck!It will be funny:russian "antigrammar" against ....english Zupi,who can't say anything exept "just fuck da fuck off kunt!", in english.It seems to me you'll answer that again.Just say you are really retard.
You may laugh at this reply,remember:I fuck you all,if you're against me! :D

i'll fuck your chicks

vladimir isabitch lenin


rob gay halford


I think NOT