the tourettes thread

But she had consumption and then she was stabbed by some crazy militant radical vivelarésistance anarchist guy, or something.

The hairs are nice though.
ah i could type many words in this thread which could sound very personal towards others, but i cant say i've been very angry lately towards anyone.
(besides that annoying muttering fourty year old something stumbling passed away alcoholic slash bottox woman no dick could enter her foul fucking mouth trying to posh dutch me for three hours whilst replenishing the stocks at the supermarket then she was dismissed earlier than planned and she was about to cry ugly fucking plastic fingernails glued over one another beeatch.) i found it weird the first post i typed here anyway, like if i would have had a fucking cunt day while actually it was a nice one.

spineless i read yesterday in a sandman comic where death shouts at sandman
i forgot about it but i do think it's very provocative.

i tried to call a friend of mine bitter tonight though cause she can't stand amelie poulain, but i felt there was too little humour there to continue with it.

so no, no one in vision.
anyone wants to get a personal shouting?
i'll do it casually, when you inspire me. had my relief today.
someone told me you've something of barry white, but that's not much of tourettes causing to me.
siderea said:
i'll do it casually, when you inspire me. had my relief today.
someone told me you've something of barry white, but that's not much of tourettes causing to me.

im a good friend of barry aye, hes the maan :cool:
yis have 30 mins to bomb me outta it with yer putrid hate and stench ridden breaths!

come da fuck on yis kunts!!!