The Trooper

shoot me......please..........cobadmin needs to find that trooper thread and lock it on the top or something, otherwise we shall all be forced to endure this every 4 months or so hehe.
Originally posted by Final_Vision
shoot me......please..........cobadmin needs to find that trooper thread and lock it on the top or something, otherwise we shall all be forced to endure this every 4 months or so hehe.

I totally agree :)
Originally posted by DeadWinterDead

Why would you expect their growls to be deeper? They're not that type of band, they're just heavy metal!

Not to mention, the singer has changed since that song, The Trooper was done by the metal god T Jarva, now Sentenced has that woman whining on their albums (and yes, I know it's a man).
I´m Sick of this!! how can some people call themselves fans??? some say that even sounds like CoB...¿? Master of Puppets, Have you ever heard CoB in your life? It is a Senteced cover! and first of all,,,,, the vocals in that song is 100% different from alexis voice! how can you say that it sounds like cob...
Man ,is not that diferent .... n u have to see thats a cover ,u hearded mass hypnosis,with CoB???If u heard ,u gonna say tats the vocal sounds like alexi, i agree ,but the rest ,is ,like children of bodom playing another thing ,and they are playing sepultura.
Originally posted by MasterOfPuppets
Man ,is not that diferent .... n u have to see thats a cover ,u hearded mass hypnosis,with CoB???If u heard ,u gonna say tats the vocal sounds like alexi, i agree ,but the rest ,is ,like children of bodom playing another thing ,and they are playing sepultura.

Mass Hypnosis doesn´t sounds much like CoB (althaugh i think it is their best cover song! Viva sepultura...) but has alexis vocals, and jaskas drums.... The trooper has nothing... the bass is so "not Cob" , the drums, the vocals, everything..... As i downloaded that song i notice that it wasn´t from them inmidatly.
That Trooper cover isnt COB, but its a debachery (i cant spell) to the original. I dont even care who did that song. Its horrible to hear an Iron Maiden classic destroyed like that. I mean, sure its heavy and well played and all, but good god. I know that covers aren't supposed to sound exactly like the originals, but in this situation i think it's important. That damn song is an insult to Maiden.