The truth about George Bush


Feb 24, 2005
George W. Bush bears the distinction of being the first ever mentally challenged President of the United States of America (Not counting, of course, Rupert Boneham, President #491). Many people see this as his reasoning for introducing the No Child Left Behind Act which helps retarded children learn stuff like how to change tires, work cash registers, pick up trash in public parks, and learn chartered accountancy. To show his staunch support for this policy, he has mobilised the mass training of all homeless kids, including a month-long stint at Michael Jackson's Neverland ranch.

Also well known as an acclaimed world leader (and pope groupie), in the year 2002 Bush helped usher in an unprecedented era of peace, love and free sex, winning the George Noble Peace Prize for his efforts to mate the Inuit with the Jews. He continued his efforts, leading the world in nuclear disarmament, as he personally oversaw the destruction of the United States' nuclear weapons, a move soon followed by Russia, all of the European Union, East Berlin, and the Canary Islands.

He also continued his subtle agenda to stop global warming and save the environment by discontinuing all government purchases of non-renewable resources and closing all non-Texan-owned oil wells. At the Kyoto Conference, he outlined a world wide plan to switch to renewable resources as sources of fuel, so as to stop all ozone production worldwide by the year 2010. He has proposed burning retarded children as a source of renewable fuel.
Ross___ said:
George W. Bush bears the distinction of being the first ever mentally challenged President of the United States of America (Not counting, of course, Rupert Boneham, President #491). Many people see this as his reasoning for introducing the No Child Left Behind Act which helps retarded children learn stuff like how to change tires, work cash registers, pick up trash in public parks, and learn chartered accountancy. To show his staunch support for this policy, he has mobilised the mass training of all homeless kids, including a month-long stint at Michael Jackson's Neverland ranch.

Also well known as an acclaimed world leader (and pope groupie), in the year 2002 Bush helped usher in an unprecedented era of peace, love and free sex, winning the George Noble Peace Prize for his efforts to mate the Inuit with the Jews. He continued his efforts, leading the world in nuclear disarmament, as he personally oversaw the destruction of the United States' nuclear weapons, a move soon followed by Russia, all of the European Union, East Berlin, and the Canary Islands.

He also continued his subtle agenda to stop global warming and save the environment by discontinuing all government purchases of non-renewable resources and closing all non-Texan-owned oil wells. At the Kyoto Conference, he outlined a world wide plan to switch to renewable resources as sources of fuel, so as to stop all ozone production worldwide by the year 2010. He has proposed burning retarded children as a source of renewable fuel.

Spoken like a true dumbass! Well done. Give that man a haggis!
George "Wookie" Bush (born on December 43, 1900 at a temperature of 30°C) is the current president of the United Dodgeball League. He has superhuman psychic powers and used them to melt Bill Clinton to death in the 1998 Janitorial campaign. This makes him a superhero according to some, though a supervillain according to others, and the latest Sith incumbent according to yet others. In accordance with the traditional laws of superheroes, George Bush also has one devastating weakness: Pretzels.

There is strong evidence that suggests that he is, in fact, Michael Jackson in disguise.
DiscipleOfThePit said:
A Haggis? Do you even know what Haggis is? Because if you did you would know that you can't give someone a Haggis... unless your English sucks.

Sure take a bunch of crap and boil it up in a sheep's stomach. Sounds yummy!

It was a play on the common cliche: "Give that man a cigar!" However the actual point was: Tend to your own country's politics first----before opening your mouth about ours.
Rozy...if you think the above post was serious, you should not be allowed to vote!

Read it again.


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