The U.S. Tour: What to Expect?

oh man either or for murder and rainroom i hope they play both too...waaa ill treat them to beer if they do :P...and beer at shows is pretty expensive
Though this continues to be a digression...

@BlueSky: Never said you couldn't have your own opinion...I simply used an expression.

@LifeDepraved: A third-rate ATG ripoff = about the quality level of your average decent metal band.

Most importantly, I never said DH was the best band out there, nor did I make any allusions to their originality. Of course they ripped off ATG, but I'll be damned if you think those guys can't play well (esp. the guitarists) or that they don't write extremely catchy songs. The main thing I was getting at originally was that there seemed to be a concencus that less metal was the way to go...and I just can't agree with that.
For those of you who have been to one(or more) of the US dates so far my question is... what time have the shows started? I think someone who went to the first one said Kata went on @ 11:30-ish?

Just wanted to know when to plan on getting to the venue since I gotta drive 2 hours. Thx in advance.
Venenum Veritas said:
hey christine, has anybody [anywhere] posted the setlist Moonspell will be playing? work your magic and find out ;)

lol frank, i sure wish i have time to do that. i've been at school all day and just barely got home. have 2 midterms on friday so i haven't been browsing much.
I'm jealous, I wanna go again (specially when DD is there as well :dopey: ), so have fun man! All of you who are going!
Ishtarrgh said:
Enjoy and bring back pics! :goggly:

last night I didnt really take many pics.....I figured I would get some choice ones eventually.....

Daniel said we look like gay lovers in this pic.....



so tonight sparrowsblood and I are off to Detroit to see them......I of course will be posting some pics and telling a few stories......I had a blast with the guys last night......this sounds like a fairly grueling tour for them.....but they are troopers and are definately having a good time......
I envited them to go to mexican town to get some food.....Jonas especially likes mexican hot food so I would be able to show them what the real shit is in mexican town......maybe they have the hopefully I can get them full and happy before the show.......:)

more will be revealed......