Lordlucid Warning: Contains Alcohol Mar 20, 2004 2,855 6 38 40 Ukiah, California. Jun 24, 2008 #2,741 Walnuts are gross.... Hench the hate.
dreaming neon darkspot natures' retard May 13, 2002 17,269 35 48 37 in times of grace Jun 24, 2008 #2,742 you guys suck
Lordlucid Warning: Contains Alcohol Mar 20, 2004 2,855 6 38 40 Ukiah, California. Jun 24, 2008 #2,743 yes, but not on nuts.
dreaming neon darkspot natures' retard May 13, 2002 17,269 35 48 37 in times of grace Jun 24, 2008 #2,744 om nom nom
Psychonaut God Of Emptiness Nov 29, 2002 10,465 87 48 Second left after Wal-Mart Visit site Jun 24, 2008 #2,745 Antipasta salad with Mediterranean feta dressing 8/10 Small Italian sub 7/10
dreaming neon darkspot natures' retard May 13, 2002 17,269 35 48 37 in times of grace Jun 24, 2008 #2,746 *wants*
Lordlucid Warning: Contains Alcohol Mar 20, 2004 2,855 6 38 40 Ukiah, California. Jun 24, 2008 #2,747 I had a ham and cheese sangwich today... It rocked
Tide In Mind Out ct_thrash Mar 5, 2002 24,291 289 83 Jun 25, 2008 #2,748 currently working on my second peanut butter sandwich of the morning. it's all we've got that's worthy of eating at the moment.
currently working on my second peanut butter sandwich of the morning. it's all we've got that's worthy of eating at the moment.
Lordlucid Warning: Contains Alcohol Mar 20, 2004 2,855 6 38 40 Ukiah, California. Jun 25, 2008 #2,749 PB&J is to not be taken lightly. It is a snack of the gods!!!!! and can even be a meal of its own in times of dire needs.
PB&J is to not be taken lightly. It is a snack of the gods!!!!! and can even be a meal of its own in times of dire needs.
Chromatose Squid pro quo Apr 5, 2002 20,880 67 48 Maryland Jun 25, 2008 #2,750 she doesn't eat jelly on her PB sammiches!
Lordlucid Warning: Contains Alcohol Mar 20, 2004 2,855 6 38 40 Ukiah, California. Jun 25, 2008 #2,751 wha...whaaat? No Jelly, Not even Blackberry?
Det Som Engang Var Viking Bastard Jun 3, 2005 13,262 13 38 34 Houston, TX Jun 25, 2008 #2,752 We have no peanut butter.
Calamitas1786 doom cock.... Aug 21, 2006 4,142 11 38 Nu Jersey Jun 25, 2008 #2,753 I ate a pulled pork in a spinach wrap with fried and raw onions, bleu cheese, cherry tomatoes and arugala. After I ate this Oreo ice cream pie thing. Easily 10/10
I ate a pulled pork in a spinach wrap with fried and raw onions, bleu cheese, cherry tomatoes and arugala. After I ate this Oreo ice cream pie thing. Easily 10/10
dreaming neon darkspot natures' retard May 13, 2002 17,269 35 48 37 in times of grace Jun 25, 2008 #2,754 oh my fucking god, chris, i want your food.
Calamitas1786 doom cock.... Aug 21, 2006 4,142 11 38 Nu Jersey Jun 25, 2008 #2,755 Yes. You do. Emily knows the wonders of my culinary creations (Alfredo).
dreaming neon darkspot natures' retard May 13, 2002 17,269 35 48 37 in times of grace Jun 25, 2008 #2,756 i think culinary is code for "cunnilingus"
Calamitas1786 doom cock.... Aug 21, 2006 4,142 11 38 Nu Jersey Jun 25, 2008 #2,757 Cunnilingus creations, eh? Sounds like a store you'd find in the mall. A "strip mall" lolz
Psychonaut God Of Emptiness Nov 29, 2002 10,465 87 48 Second left after Wal-Mart Visit site Jun 25, 2008 #2,758 a handful peanuts and some dehydration 0/10
Superior Member Jan 12, 2006 775 0 16 Loo-a-vul Jun 25, 2008 #2,759 never had nut I didn't like unless it was rotten
dreaming neon darkspot natures' retard May 13, 2002 17,269 35 48 37 in times of grace Jun 26, 2008 #2,760 pizza hut stuffed crust pepperoni pizza - meh, but it's pizza so it wasn't bad/10 tiramisu - it's TIRAMISU, OF COURSE IT WAS FUCKING AWESOME/10
pizza hut stuffed crust pepperoni pizza - meh, but it's pizza so it wasn't bad/10 tiramisu - it's TIRAMISU, OF COURSE IT WAS FUCKING AWESOME/10