the USA thread -

In fact Noway is one of most safe and civilized countries in the world

No, I don't understand this. Why do you have to put up with a stateleader that no one likes? He has what... ? ... about 15 % of the people who elected him thinks he is doing a good job. Why can't you just kick him out? The Italiens kicks out theire government all the time.

And this thread is supposed to be about the USA, but what can you really say about the US these days? Bush is what everyone talkes about.
No, I don't understand this. Why do you have to put up with a stateleader that no one likes? He has what... ? ... about 15 % of the people who elected him thinks he is doing a good job. Why can't you just kick him out? The Italiens kicks out theire government all the time.

And this thread is supposed to be about the USA, but what can you really say about the US these days? Bush is what everyone talkes about.

But I was serious!!! :lol:

I really envy the way Norway (but Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Iceland too) guides its state.

Italian people can't kick away government; it's government that can throw away itself if it sees it's less than 51%, or for other reasons.
The larger the mob, the harder the test. In small areas, before small electorates, a first-rate man occasionally fights his way through, carrying even the mob with him by force of his personality. But when the field is nationwide, and the fight must be waged chiefly at second and third hand, and the force of personality cannot so readily make itself felt, then all the odds are on the man who is, intrinsically, the most devious and mediocre — the man who can most easily adeptly disperse the notion that his mind is a virtual vacuum.
The Presidency tends, year by year, to go to such men. As democracy is perfected, the office represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. We move toward a lofty ideal. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.
I really envy the way Norway (but Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Iceland too) guides its state.

Yeah, mandatory salary caps (at least that's true in Norway, but something similar probably exists in Sweden and Denmark). Way to go. :rolleyes:
We have this 5 person race in the republican party.
This is not what republicans like, is it?
Republicans like to get behind one führer and march.

Thank god Bill Maher is back on my Miro.

Yeah, mandatory salary caps (at least that's true in Norway, but something similar probably exists in Sweden and Denmark). Way to go. :rolleyes:

Um, what are you talking about?
As far as I know Finland, Sweden and Denmark have no caps (or they are
too high for anyone to care about), so please enlighten me.
Yeah, mandatory salary caps (at least that's true in Norway, but something similar probably exists in Sweden and Denmark). Way to go. :rolleyes:

There is no such thing in Sweden. Laws about minimal wages dosn´t exist either, outside of the trade union agreements.
^ WTF does the above have to do with the USA?

Rec'd this in an email today ...

And if simply reading it isn't enough for you, you can listen to me sing it right here. Has the Bugman been sniffing his chems?
Don Davis's True Lies: The Top Ten Questions Needed In A CIA Lie Detector Test If you'd like to listen to the audio podcast version of this post, just click here.(La Rocque note, nothing to click on?)
Bush and Dick Cheney are brilliant and cool.
So what if you lose arms and calves, And whole men too and gals galore, Cause Bush and Don love waging war.
Some Notable Posts: Shakespeare's Sister uses the Vanity Fair profile of Scott McClellan as a springboard for a fascinating post about Scotty.
War Against The Generals By Madeleine Begun Kane Some Gen'rals say Rummy must go. Henninger Waxes Loquacious By Madeleine Begun Kane Henninger waxes loquacious, Claiming blogs are unduly salacious. " And the Washington Post has some handy DeLay chronology. Steve Bates is all gassed up over high gas prices. He's resigned from his post, And his freedom is toast.
Andy and Josh deserves some limericks, too, don't you think?
The latest issue of the Carnival of Satire is up and, as usual, it's lots of fun. CountDown's Tribute to Scotty by way of Crooks and Liars. Bush and Cheney think nukes Should be used to rebuke Errant nations that Dubya defy.
Bush and Dick Cheney are brilliant and cool. Andy and Josh deserves some limericks, too, don't you think?
That's what runs our nation.
But they've written a book Filled with recipes. Scalia's Stability Revisited By Madeleine Begun Kane When questioned about his refusal To agree to a Dick case recusal, Scalia claimed pride That he didn't step aside. My previous Antonin Scalia humor is here, and my previous U.
You're fighting for a Prez unglued."

... my brain does not let me understand this mail -
i am quite sad. :(

my 2nd pick is obama.

I assume you're talking about Edwards dropping out? Its a shame, because I thought he'd be a stronger candidate (both in the polls and better than some of the other candidates). I like him better than Clinton, however, I'll be happy if Obama gets the nomination.

I have no idea about the Republican side. I do follow it, but everything seems to be very messy.

I'm also happy to see Guliani not getting by on national security and conservative economics. Other than that, did he even have a platform?
I think she's sad that Giuliani dropped out. But I'm mystified that Obama is her second choice, seeing as he's nothing like Rudy.
Heh, my thoughts as well. But that's not the most mystifying thing about this election, not by a long shot
Obama would be my first choice, but I don't know the Republicans' programs well enough to say whether I'd pick one of them as a second choice or not. What's your foretelling concerning next Tuesday?
What's your foretelling concerning next Tuesday?
I really have no idea for either party. I'm an Obama supporter, but I expect Clinton will probably get the nomination eventually. And for the Republicans, McCain just got a boost from the Florida primary, but Romney's still in it too. I've read Super Tuesday predictions, but they all just seem so speculative. But ultimately I expect a Clinton-McCain face-off, which makes me nervous.
I really have no idea for either party. I'm an Obama supporter, but I expect Clinton will probably get the nomination eventually. And for the Republicans, McCain just got a boost from the Florida primary, but Romney's still in it too. I've read Super Tuesday predictions, but they all just seem so speculative. But ultimately I expect a Clinton-McCain face-off, which makes me nervous.

I agree, almost word for word. I like Obama, and I think that if he got the nomination he would have a better chance of winning than Clinton. I think Clinton is too moderate and personally I know a lot of people who dislike her character because of how she handled her husband during- and post- scandle to further her political career. McCain is probably the strongest Republican right this second, but Romney is ok as well. I don't like either because I dislike their economic policies and McCain is pro Iraqi war (and I am not). Also, McCain could garner probably a bigger percentage of moderate voters than Romney, so he would (IMO) be a bigger "threat" to the Democrats.

Super Tuesday looks like a clusterfuck to me. My state is included (New Jersey), but I can't vote in it because I am not affliated with a party (you have to have a party to vote in a primary in NJ). I've heard no clear distinction on any news, and in fact I heard that no candidate, short of winning every single state, will have a bigger or smaller lead going in as coming out. It has significance, but most likely will be messy and barring a major upset, not much will have changed (from the speculations I've read).
I really have no idea for either party. I'm an Obama supporter, but I expect Clinton will probably get the nomination eventually. And for the Republicans, McCain just got a boost from the Florida primary, but Romney's still in it too. I've read Super Tuesday predictions, but they all just seem so speculative. But ultimately I expect a Clinton-McCain face-off, which makes me nervous.

I agree with this, I like Obama too but I remember that the 1st thing he said was that he supported the invasion and stuff.

Hillary is no different either, they're all a bunch of corrupt bastards as all politics are, but I hope Hillary wins, IMO she's the "better worse" you know?
I know a lot of people who dislike her character because of how she handled her husband during- and post- scandle to further her political career.
Not trying to pick a fight, but it bothers me when people say this. I once heard her say in an interview, in response to why she stayed with him, something like, "Because our relationship goes so much deeper than that. He's my best friend, the other half of me, my partner in everything, the only person who knows me completely and vice versa." She wasn't as trite as that, but it was something to that effect. And that's always been perfectly understandable to me. Full-blown affairs (much less blowjobs) are often forgiven. Even both of them having the drive to be president, if you want to reduce it to politics, hints at how compatible they are, personality-wise, world-view-wise, goal-wise. That people impugn her motives for forgiving him seems at best naive and at worst downright sexist.
Not trying to pick a fight, but it bothers me when people say this. I once heard her say in an interview, in response to why she stayed with him, something like, "Because our relationship goes so much deeper than that. He's my best friend, the other half of me, my partner in everything, the only person who knows me completely and vice versa." She wasn't as trite as that, but it was something to that effect. And that's always been perfectly understandable to me. Full-blown affairs (much less blowjobs) are often forgiven. Even both of them having the drive to be president, if you want to reduce it to politics, hints at how compatible they are, personality-wise, world-view-wise, goal-wise. That people impugn her motives for forgiving him seems at best naive and at worst downright sexist.

I don't take offense, but I do want to respond. Without getting too personal, a full-blown affair has/had affected me (though it didn't involve me directly [I wasn't a participant], it did involve some very close family members, if you really, really want me to clarify, I can, I'm not embarrassed I'd just prefer not to). Coincidentally or not, the affair was discovered and the repercussions were felt around the time the Clinton scandle was being publicized. Now, I was only speaking for myself. I'm sure many people forgive full-blown affairs (or blowjobs), but I (at this point in my life) don't know if I could. I understand that fully qualifies as bias, but:

and personally I know a lot of people who dislike her character because of how she handled her husband during- and post- scandle to further her political career.

I doubt the public shares my perspective (especially because what happened to me was a somewhat unusual circumstance), but I was speaking only for myself, and those close to me who's opinions I am sure of. I don't think she is detestable or a bad person. I respect her choices, I just don't necessarily agree with them. Just as I respect your opinion - I mean, I do understand what you mean.

Basically I have a problem with it on a base level. Without going too far into psychoanalysis of myself, I'll move on.

As far as pure politics, she's using Bill like a walking billboard (pun a little bit intended). Bill isn't running for president again. I do understand its his choice, and I completely understand and applaud her for using the resources available to drive her campaign home (Bill didn't have an ex-president for a wife). I think its a great use of resources on her part and I'd do the same in her circumstance. However, my contention is with what I don't see: publicly, a lot of love, affection, etc. that would give any evidence to your example. This probably is just my level of political exposure (I do care about what goes on, but I'm not a political science major and I usually just read articles, I don't watch a ton of news or videos, just a few - maybe one or two a day). I sure don't want to see them making out (*shudders*), but I don't see much love. Definitely mutual respect, but not a lot of love, which I equate to what Clinton is trying to express in your quote. That compounds the issue, because a large portion of the campaign (too large, I think, almost as important as the issues if not as) is about public image, and it looks to me like she's using him.

However, I can't speak about them and how they interact away from publicity. They could have a great marriage, they could hate each other as far as I know. Personally, I don't really care.

However, I disagree that it is sexist (at least in my circumstance). I don't care what gender Clinton is, its what she did, and what she shows that bothers me (as I hopefully explained well enough above). If a guy did it, I wouldn't respect him any more or any less. I disagree with it in principle, not as a personal affront. I don't think there are any sexist motives involved in that at all.

Could you give an example?

I know this was a damn lot to read through, so if you need clarification just say so. I'm really not trying to be argumentative, just show you where I'm coming from (and hopefully I'm not coming off as an egomaniacal asshole :p).

@LBRH: Do you guys get a vote in the election? I'm not trying to be sarcastic, I really don't know. Do territories get a vote? EDIT: I know you don't get an electoral college vote, I was wondering if your popular vote is even tabulated. For the purposes of statistics. My apologies, it just sounds like a dumb question now....